By Jay / / Games News

The upcoming addition of Galarian Rapidash to Pokémon Unite has sparked excitement and curiosity among fans. As a psychic and fairy-type Pokémon, Galarian Rapidash will bring a unique playstyle to the game. With its high mobility, hindrance resistance, and ability to deal extra damage based on movement speed, this Pokémon is expected to be a versatile choice for players. Let’s dive into the details of its moveset and what we can expect from its gameplay.

Galarian Rapidash’s Abilities and Moves

Passive Ability: Psychic Gauge

Galarian Rapidash’s passive ability revolves around its psychic gauge, which charges as the Pokémon moves. Once the gauge is full, Galarian Rapidash is granted a shield, making it immune to hindrances while the shield is active. This adds a layer of survivability, allowing it to move freely across the battlefield. Additionally, attacks deal extra damage based on Rapidash’s movement speed at the moment of impact, making it a deadly speed-based attacker.

Basic Moves

  1. Confusion
    Galarian Rapidash releases telekinetic force around itself, damaging opponents. If this attack lands, it grants a movement speed boost for a short time. This quick burst of speed can be crucial for dodging enemy attacks or positioning yourself strategically in battle.
  2. Charge Slam
    The Pokémon charges into enemies, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect. While this move is relatively simple, it can help control the pace of fights by reducing the mobility of opposing Pokémon.

First Level Up Skill

  1. Smart Strike
    This move involves stabbing a targeted enemy with Rapidash’s sharp horn before leaping in a designated direction. As it leaps, Rapidash also shoves the opposing Pokémon in the opposite direction, which adds a disruptive element. The + version of Smart Strike also charges the psychic gauge significantly upon landing a hit, making it easier to activate the shield.
  2. Fairy Wind
    This move causes Galarian Rapidash to jump in a direction and release a gust of fairy wind, damaging nearby enemies. The move can be used multiple times consecutively, with each use increasing the damage output. The + version also applies a slowing effect to opponents, which helps Galarian Rapidash maintain control in skirmishes.

Second Level Up Skill

  1. Agility
    Agility significantly increases Rapidash’s movement speed for a period. The duration of the speed boost increases when Galarian Rapidash lands hits on opponents, which adds to its synergy with other speed-based moves. The + version restores HP while boosting speed, giving it sustainability in prolonged fights.
  2. Dazzling Gleam
    A flash of light damages enemies around Galarian Rapidash. If enemies are hit on the outer edge of the flash, Rapidash gains a further speed boost, and the cooldown for moves like Smart Strike and Agility is reduced. This makes it a strong option for closing gaps or retreating from dangerous situations.

Unite Move: Triad Blitz

Galarian Rapidash’s Unite Move, Triad Blitz, is a game-changer. The Pokémon charges at high speed in a chosen direction, shoving opposing Pokémon in its path. Upon hitting an enemy, the first Pokémon struck gets trapped in a mysterious space, preventing them from leaving. This can be devastating in team fights, as it locks down key targets. Rapidash can use this move multiple times, making it an ideal tool for repositioning and dealing sustained damage during important moments in the game.

Possible Strategy and Playstyle of Gallarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash is expected to excel in a speed-focused playstyle. Its ability to deal extra damage based on movement speed means that keeping it on the move is crucial for maximizing its potential. Players should focus on moves like Agility and Fairy Wind to stay mobile and stack up damage quickly.

In terms of team composition, Galarian Rapidash can benefit from support Pokémon like Hoopa with its Trick ability or Blissey with Safeguard, which can provide additional protection and healing. Players may also want to prioritize X-Speed as a held item to further enhance its mobility, making it even harder to catch on the battlefield.

Galarian Rapidash is shaping up to be a highly mobile and versatile attacker in Pokémon Unite. With its psychic gauge mechanics, hindrance resistance, and movement speed-based damage, it’s likely to be a favorite among players who enjoy fast-paced, hit-and-run strategies. Whether it ends up being a Speedster or Support, one thing is for sure: Galarian Rapidash will be a formidable force in the game. Keep an eye out for its release, and start planning your strategies around this exciting new addition!

Pokemon Unite
About Jay
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