All 10 Alien Vault Locations Day 6 Driving Empire’s Halloween Event 2024

As Halloween approaches, the gaming community is buzzing with excitement, particularly for the special events that bring fresh challenges and hidden treasures. In Roblox’s Driving Empire, players have been given the task of locating 10 Alien Vaults during the Halloween event of 2024. This guide will walk you through each vault’s location, ensuring you collect all 10 without missing a beat. Grab your gear and let’s get started!
Day 6 Driving Empire’s Halloween Event Vault Locations Overview
- Crate #1: Starting Point
- The first alien vault is conveniently located just near the starting area. Upon spawning, look to your immediate right, and you’ll spot the glowing crate. Snap a quick screenshot and claim your first vault!
- Crate #2: City Entrance
- After collecting the first crate, proceed up the nearby path. Look for the second vault on your right. This crate is easily visible, making it a straightforward pickup.
- Crate #3: City Center
- Head into the city, and you’ll find the third vault in a prominent spot. This crate is situated centrally, ensuring it’s hard to miss. Make sure to grab it before moving on.
- Crate #4: Aviation Dealership
- Teleport to the Aviation Dealership to streamline your search. After spawning, navigate down the street, and you’ll come across your fourth crate tucked away along the road.
- Crate #5: Quick Turn
- After claiming the fourth crate, take a quick right turn at the street’s end to find the fifth vault. This location is relatively open, allowing for an easy sighting.
- Crate #6: Near the Bridge
- Once you’ve collected five vaults, follow the path that leads up to the bridge. Your sixth vault will be located along the right side of the road. Claim it and continue your hunt.
- Crate #7: Elevated Area
- After retrieving crate #6, backtrack to find a crate on an elevated area. Ascend the nearby hill, and there you’ll find your seventh vault waiting to be claimed.
- Crate #8: Returning to City
- For crate #8, teleport back to Cosmote Motorcycles. From there, navigate toward the bridge once more, but this time look for the crate at the entrance of the tunnel.
- Crate #9: Final Area
- After collecting the eighth vault, proceed into the tunnel where you will find the ninth vault hidden from view. Make sure to explore every corner to spot this elusive crate.
- Crate #10: The Last Stop
- For the final crate, head toward the last area of the map near the exit of the tunnel. This will be your last chance to complete the collection. Don’t forget to celebrate your success once you grab this final vault!
With all 10 Alien Vaults located, you’ll not only complete the Halloween event but also unlock exclusive rewards in Driving Empire. This treasure hunt not only adds an exciting layer to the game but also encourages exploration within the beautifully crafted Roblox world. Remember to take screenshots of each vault for bragging rights and to help others on their journey. Happy hunting, and enjoy the festivities of this year’s Halloween event!
Driving EmpireGuide