Anime Spirits Guide to Get Omni Goku & God Naruto

For players of Anime Spirits looking to power up their roster with unbeatable strength, Omni Goku and God Naruto are the top specs to aim for. These limited-time characters possess incredible abilities, making them must-have additions to any team. In this guide, we’ll cover the steps to unlock both specs, including the required levels, items, and dungeon locations. Start grinding now, as these specs won’t be around forever!
How to Get Omni Goku and God Naruto in Anime Spirits
To unlock Omni Goku and God Naruto, players must conquer the GodNarudo/OmnoGoko Dungeon. This dungeon, found on Planet Soul in Space, holds all the materials you’ll need to obtain these powerful characters. Be prepared for challenging battles against the Normal and Super Bosses, each offering different rewards required for each spec.
How to Get Omni Goku
Unlocking Omni Goku is no easy task, but with the right preparation, it’s achievable. Here’s what you’ll need:
Requirements to Unlock Omni Goku:
- Level: 2000
- 400,000 Gems
- 500,000,000 Gold
- 1 Zeno’s Life Force (10% drop rate from the Super Boss)
- 1 Omni Scroll (15% drop rate from the Super Boss)
Steps to Obtain Omni Goku:
- Gather the Items: To start, you’ll need to defeat the Super Boss in the GodNarudo/OmnoGoko Dungeon to obtain two critical items: Zeno’s Life Force and the Omni Scroll. Note that Zeno’s Life Force has a 10% drop rate, while the Omni Scroll has a 15% drop rate, so multiple attempts may be needed. The Super Boss has a massive 80,000,000,000 HP, so team up with other players or prepare for a difficult solo encounter.
- Meet the Trainer: Once you have the required items, gems, and gold, visit the Omni Goku Spec Trainer, located just outside the dungeon on Planet Soul. The trainer will guide you through the process to unlock Omni Goku.
How to Get God Naruto
The God Naruto spec is another excellent addition, combining unique abilities and powerful stats. To unlock God Naruto, you’ll need to collect specific items and level up as well.
Requirements to Unlock God Naruto:
- Level: 2000
- 300,000 Gems
- 300,000,000 Gold
- 1 Sasuke’s Rinnengan (5% drop rate from the Normal Boss)
- 1 God Sage Scroll (30% drop rate from the Super Boss)
Steps to Obtain God Naruto:
- Defeat the Dungeon Bosses: Head to the GodNarudo/OmnoGoko Dungeon and defeat the Normal Boss to acquire Sasuke’s Rinnengan, which has a 5% drop rate. Then, take on the Super Boss to obtain the God Sage Scroll, with a higher drop rate of 30%.
- Find the God Naruto Spec Trainer: Once you’ve collected all the required items, head over to the God Naruto Spec Trainer. Look for him on the beach beneath a palm tree to the right of the dungeon entrance.
Tips for Conquering the GodNarudo/OmnoGoko Dungeon
To maximize your chances of gathering these materials quickly, here are a few strategic tips:
- Team Up with Other Players: Given the high health pools of the bosses, grouping with other players can help speed up the process and make the fights easier.
- Boost Your DPS: Equip your character with your best offensive gear to shorten each encounter with the dungeon bosses. The Super Boss’s 80 billion HP can make for a lengthy battle, so maximizing damage output is key.
- Prepare for Multiple Attempts: With drop rates ranging from 5% to 30%, expect that you may need to run the dungeon multiple times to collect each item. Having patience and persistence will pay off!
Unlocking Omni Goku and God Naruto in Anime Spirits is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By conquering the GodNarudo/OmnoGoko Dungeon and collecting the necessary items, you can add these two powerhouse specs to your collection and dominate in battles. Don’t wait too long, as these limited-time characters won’t be available forever—dive into the dungeon, grind for your materials, and prepare to add Omni Goku and God Naruto to your team!
Anime SpiritsGuide