By Jay / / Games News

The Elementalist Liber in Second Piece is an advanced power system based around elemental crystals that provides significant buffs and abilities. To unlock it, players must embark on a multi-step journey involving rare crystals, challenging conquests, and powerful bosses. Follow this guide closely to obtain and level up your Elementalist Liber without missing any key steps!

What is Elementalist Liber?

The Elementalist Liber unlocks elemental buffs, titles, and new abilities for your character in Second Piece. There are three main types of crystals needed to unlock this power: Dark, Ice, and Fire. These crystals are hidden across various locations, and players must gather kills near each crystal to progress through the Liber stages.

How to Obtain Elementalist Liber

Step 1: Find and Activate the Elemental Crystals

There are three elemental crystals scattered across the game:

  1. Dark Crystal – Located in the Ape Realm.
  2. Ice Crystal – Found on Frost Isle.
  3. Fire Crystal – Hidden at Forgotten Shore.

Each crystal has a glowing phase, and when a crystal is glowing, you can begin the process to activate it. During this phase, players need to get 30 kills near each crystal. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Watch for the Glow: When the crystal is glowing, get kills near it. You’ll know a kill counts if you hear a unique sound upon scoring.
  • Stay Close to the Crystal: If you don’t hear the sound, it might mean you’re too far from the crystal.
  • Switch Weapons if Necessary: If kills aren’t counting, try using a different weapon.
  • Server Hop for Better Chances: If you’re struggling to find active crystals, hopping between servers can help you locate glowing crystals faster.

Step 2: Win a Conquest with an Enchanted Weapon

After activating each crystal by getting the required kills, you’ll need to win a Conquest battle while wielding an enchanted weapon with Fire, Ice, or Dark attributes. Don’t worry if you lose, as your progress is retained; just secure at least one victory to proceed.

Step 3: Defeat Ragna with the Ice Crown Equipped

Once you’ve won a Conquest, the next step is to equip the Ice Crown artifact and take on Ragna, a server boss located on Forgotten Isle. Ragna may be difficult to find, so consider the following strategies:

  • Server Hop: If Ragna isn’t present in your current server, hop between servers to find him.
  • Ask for Help: Use the game’s community channels, like Discord, to coordinate with other players for help in locating and defeating Ragna.

After defeating Ragna, be sure to speak with every Niflheim NPC on the island to finalize your progress.

Step 4: Talk to CME at Forgotten Shore

The final step in unlocking the Elementalist Liber is to speak to CME at Forgotten Shore. Click on “Prestige” in the dialog to officially unlock Elementalist Liber at Tier 0.

Elementalist Liber Tier Progression and Buffs

With the Elementalist Liber unlocked, you’ll start at Tier 0, which grants only the title without buffs. To gain buffs, you’ll need to increase your Tier by repeating the entire process outlined above. Here’s what each Tier offers:

  • Tier 1: Increases Elemental enchant duration by 10%.
  • Tier 2: Adds another 10% increase to Elemental enchant duration.
  • Tier 3: Grants a 10% increase to enchant duration and a chance to inflict additional elemental effects.
  • Tier 4: Provides an additional 10% duration boost for Elemental enchants.
  • Tier 5: Creates a clone that absorbs attacks with i-frames (invincibility frames) and a 15-second cooldown, plus a 10% increase in enchant duration.

Important Tips and Warnings

  • Elementalist Debuff: While wielding the Elementalist Liber, you won’t be able to use teleport crystals, which may affect your mobility.
  • Grinding for Tiers: Each Tier requires repeating the full process, so be prepared for a commitment if you want to reach higher levels.

Unlocking the Elementalist Liber in Second Piece is a rewarding yet challenging task. From activating crystals to conquering Ragna, each step brings players closer to powerful buffs and unique abilities. While it may take time to reach the highest tiers, the elemental enhancements and clone ability at Tier 5 make it well worth the effort. Follow this guide closely, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering the power of Elementalist Liber.

Second Piece
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