Anime Reborn AFK Farming for Trait Crystals & Gems Guide How to Set Up!

If you’re an Anime Reborn player looking to make the most out of your time in the game, AFK farming is a great way to gather resources, including Gems, Trait Crystals, and XP, without having to be actively involved in every match. This simple yet effective method lets you farm while you’re away from the game, making it ideal for players who want to optimize their time and rewards. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the best AFK farming strategy for Anime Reborn that can help you rack up plenty of valuable resources quickly and efficiently.

What You’ll Need for AFK Farming in Anime Reborn

To start AFK farming in Anime Reborn, there are a few tools and prerequisites you’ll need:

  1. Zenitsu Unit: Zenitsu is a key character that will be used to farm efficiently in this method. Make sure you have Zenitsu upgraded and ready to go.
  2. Tiny Task: This is a simple automation tool that will record and replay your actions, allowing you to AFK farm without manual input.
  3. 1X Play Speed: Set your game’s play speed to 1X to ensure consistent progress while AFK farming.
  4. Auto Upgrade Feature: This built-in feature automates the upgrading of your units during the game, making the process even smoother.

Once you have these set up, you’ll be ready to start AFK farming in Anime Reborn.

Anime Reborn Guide to AFK Farming Gems and Trait Crystals

1. Go to West City, Act 1

Start by heading to the West City map and selecting Act 1. This is the stage where you’ll be doing most of your farming.

2. Begin the Game and Fail the First Wave

Once you’ve selected Act 1, click on the “Start” button to enter the game. Once in the game, intentionally fail the first wave. This will allow you to proceed to the next step where you can begin the AFK farming process.

3. Open the Unit Manager

After failing the first wave, press T to open up the Unit Manager. This is where you’ll be able to place your units for the AFK farm.

4. Start Recording and Set Up Tiny Task

Now that you’ve opened the Unit Manager, start recording your actions with Tiny Task. The next step is to place your Zenitsu units on the battlefield. You should place four Zenitsu units strategically for maximum efficiency. The recommended placement ensures that your units will have the best chance of surviving the waves and earning rewards.

5. Activate Auto Upgrade for Your Zenitsu Units

Once your Zenitsu units are placed, go ahead and select the Auto option for each of them. This will ensure that your units automatically upgrade throughout the game, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

6. Sit Back and Relax

At this point, all you need to do is let the AFK farm run its course. Your Zenitsu units will handle the waves of enemies, earn you Gems, Trait Crystals, and XP while you’re away. The game will automatically progress, and you’ll accumulate rewards without lifting a finger.

7. Stop Recording and Restart the Process

When the game ends, stop the recording in Tiny Task and hit the replay button to restart the process. With this method, you can continuously farm rewards in just a few minutes.

Tips for Optimizing Your AFK Farm

  • Make Sure Zenu is Maxed Out: To ensure that your AFK farming runs smoothly, make sure your Zenu units are at their maximum level. This will guarantee that they can deal enough damage to progress through the waves effectively.
  • Use the Auto Upgrade Feature: Don’t forget to use the auto upgrade feature! This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other things while your units do the work for you.
  • Check for Updates: Always stay updated with any new changes in Anime Reborn. If any updates affect the AFK farming method or introduce new features, you’ll want to adjust your strategy accordingly.

AFK farming in Anime Reborn is a great way to farm Gems, Trait Crystals, and XP with minimal effort. By following this simple method using Zenu and Tiny Task, you can accumulate valuable resources while you’re away from the game. Whether you’re looking to upgrade units or improve your chances at summoning, this AFK farming strategy can help you progress without spending hours grinding manually. So, set up your farm, hit play, and let the rewards roll in!

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