3 Secret Units Anime Reborn, How to Get Them All!

In Anime Reborn on Roblox, obtaining secret units can be a thrilling challenge for players looking to enhance their rosters with powerful characters. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to get all the secret units in the game, including Rimuru, Kaido, and Android 21. We’ll also touch on the chances of obtaining them and how to unlock each one.
All Secret Units Anime Reborn Units Overview
There are three main secret units in Anime Reborn: Rimuru, Kaido, and Android 21. Each of these units has different ways of being obtained:
- Rimuru – This unit is available through the banner.
- Kaido – This unit is obtained via Legend Stages.
- Android 21 – This unit is also obtained through Legend Stages.
1. How to Get Rimuru
Rimuru is the only secret unit in Anime Reborn that can be obtained from the banner. However, the odds of getting Rimuru are extremely low, with a 0.01% chance of pulling the unit. This makes Rimuru a rare and highly sought-after character.
Steps to Obtain Rimuru:
- Check the Banner: Rimuru appears in the game’s banner as a secret unit.
- Attempt to Pull: Use your gems or other in-game resources to try and pull Rimuru. Since the drop rate is so low, you may need to make several attempts before obtaining this unit.
- Patience is Key: With such a low chance of obtaining Rimuru, this method may take quite some time, so don’t get discouraged!
2. How to Get Kaido

Anime Reborn Kaido
Kaido is another powerful secret unit, but instead of being available through the banner, you can obtain him through Legend Stages.
Steps to Obtain Kaido:
- Unlock Legend Stages: First, you need to unlock Legend Stages. These stages are unlocked after progressing through the game and completing certain requirements.
- Complete the Legend Stage: Kaido is one of the secret units that can drop after completing a Legend Stage. While the specific conditions for getting Kaido may vary, completing these stages gives you a chance to unlock him.
- Prepare for a Challenge: Legend Stages are not easy, so make sure you’re well-equipped with powerful units to handle the tough enemies.
3. How to Get Android 21
Like Kaido, Android 21 is also obtainable through Legend Stages. She is another secret unit that you can unlock after completing certain stages in the game.
Steps to Obtain Android 21:
- Unlock Legend Stages: Similar to Kaido, you need to unlock the Legend Stages to have a chance at obtaining Android 21.
- Complete the Legend Stages: Once you have access to these stages, complete them for a chance to unlock Android 21.
- Focus on Winning: As with Kaido, winning these stages is crucial. Make sure you have a strong team of units to tackle these challenging levels.
Getting the secret units in Anime Reborn can be a rewarding yet challenging experience.
Rimuru, with his extremely low drop rate, can be a tough one to pull from the banner, while Kaido and Android 21 are hidden behind the demanding Legend Stages.
With patience, perseverance, and a solid strategy, you’ll be well on your way to adding these powerful units to your collection.
Good luck on your journey to unlocking all the secret units in Anime Reborn! Keep grinding, and don’t forget to check out showcases for these units to see their true potential in action!
Anime Reborn