By Jay / / Games News

Toilet Tower Defense, a popular Roblox game, has introduced a new Ranked update that adds a fresh competitive layer to the gameplay. Among the new features is the Golden Gladiator Crate, a special item in the Ranked Shop. This crate offers better odds for rare and powerful units, making it highly sought after by players looking to enhance their roster. In this article, we’ll break down how to earn the Golden Crate Chest, what it contains, and how you can use it to gain a competitive edge.

Toilet Tower Defense Guide How to Get the Golden Gladiator Crate

Toilet Tower Defense

Toilet Tower Defense

To unlock the Golden Gladiator Crate, you first need to participate in the new Ranked mode introduced in the latest update. Here’s how you can earn this special crate:

  1. Participate in Ranked Matches
    The Ranked mode in Toilet Tower Defense is a 2v2 player-versus-player (PVP) format. You can join solo and be matched with a random teammate, or you can party up with a friend for a more coordinated duo experience. Each match you play will contribute to your ranked progress.
  2. Earn Ranked Coins
    After each Ranked match, you’ll earn Ranked Coins, the in-game currency used to buy crates, including the Golden Gladiator Crate. The higher your rank, the more Ranked Coins you’ll earn from each match, whether you win or lose. This encourages you to play regularly and improve your ranking to maximize your coin rewards.
  3. Rank Up for More Coins
    As you continue playing and winning in Ranked mode, you’ll rise through the ranks. The higher your rank, the more coins you will earn after each match, allowing you to buy more crates. Reaching the top ranks will also unlock exclusive rewards like a special mount and the chance to earn ultimate rewards at the end of the season.
  4. Purchase the Golden Gladiator Crate
    Once you have accumulated enough Ranked Coins (100 per crate), head over to the Ranked Shop and purchase the Golden Gladiator Crate. This crate offers better chances for higher-tier units than the regular Gladiator Crate, making it a must-have for players aiming to collect the most powerful units in the game.

What’s Inside the Golden Gladiator Crate?

The Golden Gladiator Crate contains a variety of units with varying rarity. Unlike the regular Gladiator Crate, the Golden version has improved odds for obtaining rare and powerful units, giving you a better chance at upgrading your defense strategy.

Here’s a breakdown of the odds for the units in the Golden Gladiator Crate:

  • 15% – Gladiator Speakerman (Epic)
    A solid epic-tier unit that can help bolster your defenses.
  • 80% – Chariot Cameraman (Legendary)
    A legendary unit with enhanced capabilities, perfect for strengthening your setup.
  • 4.5% – Barbarian Large TV Man (Mythic)
    A rare mythic unit with high power and utility.
  • 0.5% – Titan Centurion Speakerman (Godly)
    A godly-tier unit with exceptional abilities to dominate in battles.
  • 0.01% – Titan Warlord Clockman (Ultimate)
    The ultimate unit with the best stats, making it a game-changer in your defense lineup.

As you can see, the Golden Gladiator Crate provides a much higher chance of unlocking higher-tier units, especially the Legendary and Mythic units. While the odds for the Godly and Ultimate units are still quite low, the improvement in chances compared to the regular Gladiator Crate makes it a valuable purchase for dedicated players.

Toilet Tower Defense
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