By Jay / / Games News

In Fisch! (Roblox), the excitement of fishing and making money is amplified by constant updates that refresh the game’s most lucrative fishing spots. If you’re looking to maximize your profits, knowing the best places to fish is crucial. Since the latest update introduced new locations and fish, it’s time to re-evaluate where you should cast your line. Whether you’re hunting for mythical, legendary, or event fish, this guide will walk you through the updated locations that offer the most value.

1. The Depths Area

One of the most notable new areas in Fisch! is the Depths. This location offers an abundance of high-value fish, including mythicals and legendaries. To access the Depths, you need to follow a few steps:

  • Find a Vertigo Whirlpool: This will act as a portal to the Depths.
  • Complete the Vertigo Whirlpool Task: Before you can fish here, ensure that this quest is completed.
  • Unlock Vertigo: Vertigo is an essential step in unlocking the Depths, where you’ll find legendary fish. Once you’ve opened the massive red door in Vertigo, you’ll need to complete a simple obstacle course. Avoid standing on the rocks too long, or they will fall, causing you to fail and lose progress.

Best Spots to Fish in the Depths

  • Fishing off the Pier: This is the most popular and lucrative location in the Depths. Here, you’ll catch a variety of mythicals and legendaries with relative ease. These fish sell for high amounts, making this pier the go-to spot for anyone aiming to earn a lot of money quickly. Legendary catches are especially common, and you’ll see consistent results as you fish in this area.
  • Fishing Near the Back Area: While not as busy as the pier, this area also offers the chance to snag mythical fish and occasional event fish. It’s a quieter spot where you might catch rarer fish types if you have patience. Although it’s less popular, it can still be highly profitable.
  • Fishing off the Rocks: Another great fishing spot in the Depths is fishing from the rocks. While similar to other areas in terms of the fish you can catch, the rock platforms offer a different dynamic and can be especially useful for diversifying your catches.

2. Special Events and Hidden Fish

Besides regular fishing, you might encounter special event fish while exploring the Depths. These can be harder to find but are definitely worth pursuing. For instance, an Enchant Relic was caught by the player in the video, showing that sometimes unexpected rewards appear while fishing.

One of the most rewarding aspects of fishing in the Depths is the abundance of legendary and mythical fish. Not only are these rare fish types common in the area, but they also fetch a high price when sold at the merchant. For example, one legendary fish was worth 1,000 coins immediately, while others may sell for slightly less, but they add up over time.

With the recent update to Fisch!, the Depths area has become the ultimate destination for players seeking to make quick cash through fishing. By targeting the pier and other profitable spots within the Depths, players can easily catch legendaries, mythicals, and event fish that sell for significant amounts.

Keep in mind that fishing in other locations like the underwater rocks or back areas of the Depths can provide a nice change of pace and still yield valuable fish. As always, stay updated with in-game events and community discussions to ensure you’re fishing in the best spots at all times!

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