A Universal Time AUT Guide, How to Get & Use Steel Spin

The latest update in A Universal Time (AUT) introduces Steel Spin, a legendary ability inspired by the mystical Zeppeli technique from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. Known for its incredible projectile-based combat mechanics, Steel Spin empowers players with “The Spin,” a supernatural technique that can dominate in both PvP and PvE scenarios. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to unlock Steel Spin and harness its full potential.
A Universal Time AUT Guide What is Steel Spin?
Steel Spin is a projectile-oriented ability that enables users to execute powerful spinning techniques, combining skill and precision. Its combat utility is unmatched, offering players a unique gameplay style with devastating long-range attacks. For fans of the series and competitive players, Steel Spin is a valuable addition to your arsenal.
How to Obtain Steel Spin
Step 1: Acquire an Altered Steel Ball
To unlock Steel Spin, you’ll first need the Altered Steel Ball, a rare item required for the ability.
- Where to Find the Altered Steel Ball:
The Altered Steel Ball can be found in EPIC Chests, which spawn across the map. These chests have a relatively low spawn rate, making the Altered Steel Ball a rare drop.Tips for Farming EPIC Chests:
- Explore high-traffic areas where chest spawns are common.
- Server hop to reset chest spawns if you’re unable to locate them in your current server.
- Team up with other players to cover more ground quickly.
Step 2: Be in Standless Form
To unlock Steel Spin, your character must be in Standless form.
- How to Reset Your Stand:
Visit the Stand Removal NPC located in the game. Interact with the NPC to remove your current stand, ensuring you’re eligible to use the Altered Steel Ball.
Step 3: Use the Altered Steel Ball
Once you’ve obtained the Altered Steel Ball and are in Standless form:
- Navigate to your inventory and select the Altered Steel Ball.
- Use the item on your character.
- Upon successful use, Steel Spin will unlock, granting you access to this powerful ability.
Steel Spin is a remarkable ability in A Universal Time, offering a unique and powerful combat style for players. While obtaining it requires persistence and luck, the reward is well worth the effort. By following this guide, you’ll soon wield the mystical Zeppeli technique and spin your way to victory in the game.
A Universal TimeAUTGuide