In Anime Adventures, completing the Multiplayer Daily Quest is one of the best ways to earn valuable rewards, including gems, units, and other in-game bonuses. However, the challenge for solo players is that these quests typically require you to play with others, which might be difficult if you don’t have friends available to join you. But don’t worry—there is a clever workaround that allows you to complete these quests even without friends: using a second account.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to get the Multiplayer Daily Quest done as a solo player by utilizing a second account. Whether you’re new to the game or a veteran, this method can help you maximize your rewards without needing to rely on others.
1. Why Do You Need a Second Account?
The Multiplayer Daily Quest in Anime Adventures is designed to encourage cooperative play, but as a solo player, you might not always have friends around who are available to join your session. Thankfully, you can bypass this requirement by creating and using a second account to join the multiplayer quest.
By using two accounts, you can queue up for a multiplayer session, allowing you to complete the quest and earn the associated rewards as if you were playing with other players.
2. Setting Up Your Second Account
Before diving into the quest, you’ll need to set up a second account. Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1: Create a New Account
- Open Anime Adventures on your device.
- Log out of your current account and sign up for a new account (either via email or through a guest login).
- Choose a different username for the second account.
Step 2: Link the Second Account (Optional)
If you want to keep track of the second account or use it on another device, consider linking it to your Google, Facebook, or another supported platform. This makes it easier to switch between your main and secondary accounts.
3. Joining the Multiplayer Daily Quest
Once your second account is set up, follow these steps to get the Multiplayer Daily Quest done:
Step 1: Start a New Multiplayer Session
- On your main account, navigate to the Multiplayer mode.
- Select the Daily Quest you want to complete.
- Start the quest and wait for other players to join.
Step 2: Log Into Your Second Account
- On a separate device or browser window, log into your second account (or use an emulator if you’re on a PC).
- Join the same Multiplayer Daily Quest with your second account.
- Once both accounts are in the same game session, the Multiplayer Daily Quest will begin.
Step 3: Complete the Quest
- Complete the quest objectives as usual.
- Even though you’re playing solo, your second account counts as another player, so the system will register it as a valid Multiplayer session.
- Once the quest is complete, both accounts will receive rewards for completing the quest.
4. Managing Your Second Account
If you’re planning to use the second account frequently, here are some tips for managing it efficiently: If you’re playing on a PC, using an emulator like LDPlayer can help you run both accounts simultaneously on the same device. You can set up one account in the emulator and another on your main browser or app.
Using a second account is a simple yet effective way to complete Multiplayer Daily Quests in Anime Adventures, especially for solo players who don’t have friends available to team up with. By creating and managing a second account, you can easily queue up for multiplayer sessions, complete quests, and earn valuable rewards.
This method might take some extra time and effort, but it’s a great way to maximize your gem and unit farming potential. Whether you’re trying to boost your collection or just want to finish daily objectives, using a second account is an excellent solution for those playing alone.