In Anime World Tower Defense (AWTD), players are tasked with defending their base against waves of enemies, led by the Corrupted Hero’s growing army. Your journey is set in the anime universe, where heroes from your favorite shows join forces to protect your base and stop the evil forces.
To help you in your quest, the game offers a variety of in-game codes that provide you with valuable rewards such as Puzzles, Celestial Crystals, Reroll Tokens, and more. These resources are crucial for summoning heroes, strengthening your defense, and increasing your chances of victory.
To dominate your enemies and rise to the top of the leaderboard, using the right codes at the right time is essential. This guide will provide you with a list of active and expired codes in Anime World Tower Defense, show you how to redeem them, and offer tips on how to keep up with new code releases.
Anime World Tower Defense Codes January 2025
- AWTDBestYear
- SorryForDelayDBSUpdate
- DragonBallZUpdate
- 100KLikes
- HeroSlayer
- DeadP
- DreamUpdatePart2
- EclipseUpdate
How to Redeem Anime World Tower Defense Codes
- Open the game Anime World Tower Defense
- On the main screen, locate the Settings button on the left side and click it.
- A pop-up window will appear
- Enter the code you want to redeem
- Hit Enter to receive your rewards.
How to Stay Updated on New Codes
- Bookmark this guide: We regularly update this article with the latest codes, so it’s always a great place to check for updates.
- Follow official channels: Developers often release new codes on social media platforms. Follow Anime World Tower Defense on Facebook, YouTube, Discord, and the Lazy Cat Studio Roblox group to stay up to date on upcoming events and code releases.
Anime World Tower Defense is a thrilling game where strategic thinking and powerful heroes are your best tools for victory. Utilizing the right codes for rewards can help you quickly build a formidable defense and summon the strongest anime heroes to fight by your side.
By staying updated on new codes and following best practices for redeeming them, you’ll keep your base secure from the Corrupted Hero’s onslaught. Remember, the more rewards you collect, the more powerful you’ll become, so don’t hesitate to redeem every code you can find!