In today’s guide, we’re diving into the Moodeng Fruit and its exciting Coyote Stark update. This update introduces Los Lobos, a powerful ability based on the infamous Coyote Stark from Bleach. In this article, we’ll cover how to unlock Los Lobos, its moveset, and whether it’s worth investing in for your future battles. Whether you’re a long-time player or new to the game, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know.
Where to Find the NPC
Before you can wield Los Lobos and unleash its power, you’ll first need to locate the relevant NPC on Moodeng Fruit’s island. This NPC is located on the same island where Rimu resides, so it’s easy to find if you’re familiar with the area. To unlock the Coyote Stark NPC and gain access to Los Lobos, you’ll need to gather a few essential items. Here’s what you’ll need to get your hands on this formidable power:
- Hollow Fragment
- Stark Gun
- Stark Cloat
- Zangetsu
How to Obtain the Required Items
- Hollow Fragment: This can be obtained by defeating the Legendary Gojo Ultimate Boss. If you haven’t faced off against this powerful boss yet, be prepared for a challenging battle.
- Stark Gun & Stark Cloak: Both of these items are dropped by Stark himself, a formidable boss that you’ll need to defeat. These items are SS Rank and scale with the gun stat, making them valuable for enhancing your combat abilities.
- Zangetsu: This item is dropped by the Ichigo Boss. You’ll need to defeat this tough adversary in order to claim Dion Zangetsu.
Once you have all the required items, head over to the NPC on the Rimu Island and interact with them to unlock Los Lobos.
The Moodeng Fruit update with Los Lobos is a fun addition to the game, offering players a chance to harness the power of Coyote Stark. While it may not be the most overpowered fruit in terms of damage, it provides a nice balance of ranged and melee combat, along with some unique abilities. If you’re a fan of Coyote Stark or looking to add some flair to your playstyle, Los Lobos is definitely worth considering. Remember, the Stark Gun and Stark Coat are valuable items, and unlocking Los Lobos can make your battles even more exciting. Be sure to check out the pinned comments for update codes and giveaways as well!