By Jay / / Games

The latest update in Verse Piece introduces the highly anticipated Toji V2, a powerful new character that can change the dynamics of your gameplay. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to obtain Toji V2, the necessary items to unlock him, and an overview of his abilities and performance in battle.

How to Unlock Toji V2 Verse Piece

Toji V2 is available on Jujutsu Island, located near the island’s entrance. To access the NPC and unlock this character, you’ll need to gather several key items, including:

  • Heavenly Spear – This legendary item can be obtained by either finding it in chests or by defeating the Toji boss.
  • Split Soul Katana – To get this weapon, you’ll need to defeat Maki and collect both the handle and the blade. Afterward, craft them together to create the Split Soul Katana.
  • Rejected Zenin Trait – This exotic rarity trait is available by spinning at Frost Island.
  • Truth Seeker Race – This race is acquired through a race reroll, so you’ll need some luck on your side to obtain it.
  • Curse Worm – Head to the Boss Spawn Island to spawn the Toji V2 boss. Defeat the boss, and you’ll be rewarded with the Curse Worm.

As an added bonus, the Toji V2 boss can also drop the Split Soul Katana and Curse Energy Haki Color. These extra rewards are a great addition to your inventory, especially the Split Soul Katana, which is a key item for progression.

Toji V2 is an exciting and powerful addition to Verse Piece. With his high damage abilities, excellent performance in dungeons, and the bonus rewards that come with his unlock, he’s definitely worth the effort it takes to obtain him.

If you’re aiming to enhance your gameplay and take on tougher challenges, unlocking Toji V2 is a must! Be sure to test out his abilities, experiment with different strategies, and take full advantage of his strengths in the dungeon. Happy gaming!

GuideVerse Piece
About Jay
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