By Jay / / Games

Anime Adventures has captured the attention of anime lovers and strategy game enthusiasts alike. With a wide array of characters from various anime franchises, choosing the right units to build your team can be challenging. To help you navigate through the vast selection of heroes, we’ve put together an updated Anime Adventures Tier List, ranking the units based on their power, utility, and overall performance in the game. This guide will help you make informed decisions about which units to focus on, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the tough battles ahead.

Note: This tier list is made by MrRhino!

Anime Adventures Tier List February 2025 New Unit Update!



Previous Tier List:


  • Griffin (Darkness)
  • Berserker (Rage)
  • Supreme Being (Sovereign)
  • Sosuke (Eternal)
  • Dracula (Unholy King)
  • Death Ninja (Immortal Butcher)
  • Stain (Hero Slayer)
  • Endeavor (Hellflame)
  • Itochi (Susanoo)
  • Asushi (Moonlight Beast)
  • Gas (Toxic)
  • Noruto (Six Tails)
  • Shigaruko (Symbol of Fear)
  • Griffin (Reincarnation)
  • Lao (ROOM)
  • Shallta (Bloodfallen)
  • Power (Fiend)
  • Koichy (Echoes)
  • Puchi (Heaven)
  • Dazai (No Longer Human)
  • Tatsumiki (Tornado)
  • Pain (Divine)
  • JIO (Over Heaven)
  • Gilgamesh (King of Heroes)
  • Carrot (Ultra)
  • Hubris (The One)
  • Zid (Shadow)
  • Poseidon (Tyrant of the Seas)
  • Aizo (Final)
  • Tango (God of Flashiness)
  • Archer (Heroic Spirit)
  • Komon (Paper Angel)
  • Chuyo (Corruption)
  • Luffo (Gear IV)
  • Medae (Witch of Betrayal)
  • Demiurge (Demon Emperor)
  • Golden Freezo (Emperor)
  • Conrod (Wizard King)
  • Captain (God)
  • Roger (Pirate King)
  • Saber (Promised Sword)
  • Albedo (Overseer)
  • Izu (Demon Snow)
  • Lancer (Child of Light)
  • Illy (Homunculus)
  • Flamingo (Awakened)
  • Kiroto (Dual)
  • Heathcliff (Admin)
  • Avdo (Magician’s Red)
  • Skull Knight (King)
  • Josuka (Unbreakable)

Good Tier

  • Vego (Mage II)
  • Daky (Obi)
  • Leafy (Sylph)
  • Wenda
  • Commander
  • Kisoko (Bankai)
  • Diavoro
  • Lulu (Geass)
  • Kiro (Bites the Dust)
  • Red Scar (Conqueror)
  • Jirayo (Toad Sage)
  • Merlyn (Infinity)
  • Sukuno
  • Megomu (Chimera Shadow)
  • Mochi Charlot

Support Tier

  • Homuru (Time Traveller)
  • Shallta (Bloodfallen)
  • Koichy (Echoes)
  • Puchi (Heaven)
  • Jirayo (Toad Sage)
  • Merlyn (Infinity)
  • Sukuno
  • Mochi Charlot

META Hill/Hybrid

  • Usoap (God)
  • Homuru (Time Traveller)
  • Fused Hero
  • Carrot (Ultra)
  • Gilgamesh (King of Heroes)
  • Komon (Paper Angel)
  • Fiend Girl (Butterfly)
  • Archer (Heroic Spirit)
  • Chuyo (Corruption)
  • Medae (Witch of Betrayal)
  • Luffo (Gear IV)
  • Poseidon (Tyrant of the Seas)

META Ground

  • Sosuke (Eternal)
  • Stain (Hero Slayer)
  • Death Ninja (Immortal Butcher)
  • Lancer (Child of Light)
  • Asushi (Moonlight Beast)
  • Saber (Promised Sword)
  • Noruto (Six Tails)
  • Dracula (Unholy King)
  • Vego (Mage II)
  • Roger (Pirate King)
  • Illy (Homunculus)
  • Izu (Demon Snow)
  • Heathcliff (Admin)
  • Kiro (Bites the Dust)
  • Kiroto (Dual)
  • Saki (Cyanblade)

META Support

  • Leafy (Sylph)
  • Wenda
  • Commander
  • Oshy (Idol)
  • Lao (ROOM)
  • Emili
  • Jirayo (Toad Sage)
  • Koichy (Echoes)
  • Shallta (Bloodfallen)
  • Power (Fiend)
  • Griffin (Reincarnation)

Good Hill/Hybrid

  • Harribu (Shark Empress)
  • Narbera (Battle Maid)
  • Bubblegum (Ultimate)
  • Pain (Divine)
  • Fuji (Admiral)
  • Metal Knight (Arsenal)
  • Golden Freezo (Emperor)
  • Demiurge (Demon Emperor)
  • Berserker (Rage)
  • Millie (Holy)
  • Conrod (Wizard King)
  • Zid (Shadow)
  • Tango (God of Flashiness)
  • Hubris (The One)
  • Supreme Being (Sovereign)

Good Ground

  • Gas (Toxic)
  • Senbodu (Buddha)
  • Albedo (Overseer)
  • Skull Knight (King)
  • Aku (Rashamon)
  • Greed (Hunt)
  • Evileye (Landfall)
  • Saby (Flame Emperor)
  • Kizume (Tailless Beast)
  • Rohon (Artist)
  • Josuka (Unbreakable)
  • Endeavor (Hellflame)
  • Flamingo (Awakened)
  • Avdo (Magician’s Red)
  • Daky (Obi)
  • Gyutaru (Moon)
  • Itochi (Susanoo)

Good Support

  • Goju (Six Eyes)
  • Dazai (No Longer Human)
  • Puchi (Heaven)
  • Mochi Charlot
  • JIO (Over Heaven)
  • Tatsumiki (Tornado)
  • Diavoro

Previous Tier List – Still Viable


META Hill/Hybrid

  1. Gilgamesh (King of Heroes)
  2. Homuru (Time Traveller)
  3. Vegeto
  4. Komon (Paper Angel)
  5. Goko (Ultra)
  6. Usoap (God)
  7. Hinamy (Yotsume)
  8. Archer (Heroic Spirit)
  9. Chuyo (Corruption)
  10. Medae (Witch of Betrayal)
  11. Luffo (Gear IV)
  12. Poseidon (Tyrant of the Seas)

META Ground

  1. Sosuke (Eternal)
  2. Stain (Hero Slayer)
  3. Hido (Immortal Butcher)
  4. Lancer (Child of Light)
  5. Asushi (Moonlight Beast)
  6. Saber (Promised Sword)
  7. Noruto (Six Tails)
  8. Alucard (Unholy King)
  9. Vegita (Majin II)
  10. Roger (Pirate King)
  11. Illy (Homunculus)
  12. Izu (Demon Snow)
  13. Heathcliff (Admin)
  14. Kiro (Bites the Dust)
  15. Kiroto (Dual)
  16. Sayako (Sapphire Blade)

META Support

  1. Leafy (Sylph)
  2. Wenda
  3. Orwin
  4. Oshy (Idol)
  5. Lao (ROOM)
  6. Emili
  7. Jirayo (Toad Sage)
  8. Koichy (Echoes)
  9. Shallta (Bloodfallen)
  10. Power (Fiend)
  11. Griffin (Reincarnation)

Good Hill/Hybrid

  1. Harribu (Shark Empress)
  2. Narbera (Battle Maid)
  3. Byu (Ultimate)
  4. Pain (Divine)
  5. Fuji (Admiral)
  6. Metal Knight (Arsenal)
  7. Golden Freezo (Emperor)
  8. Demiurge (Demon Emperor)
  9. Guts (Berserk)
  10. Mamy (Holy)
  11. Conrod (Wizard King)
  12. Zid (Shadow)
  13. Tango (God of Flashiness)
  14. Pride (The One)
  15. Anz (Overlord)

Good Ground

  1. Gas (Toxic)
  2. Senbodu (Buddha)
  3. Albedo (Overseer)
  4. Skull Knight (King)
  5. Aku (Rashamon)
  6. Greed (Hunt)
  7. Evileye (Landfall)
  8. Saby (Flame Emperor)
  9. Kizume (Tailless Beast)
  10. Rohon (Artist)
  11. Josuka (Unbreakable)
  12. Endeavor (Hellflame)
  13. Flamingo (Awakened)
  14. Avdo (Magician’s Red)
  15. Daky (Obi)
  16. Gyutaru (Moon)
  17. Itochi (Susanoo)

Good Support

  1. Goju (Six Eyes)
  2. Dazai (No Longer Human)
  3. Puchi (Heaven)
  4. Mochi Charlot
  5. JIO (Over Heaven)
  6. Tatsumiki (Tornado)
  7. Diavoro

Infinite Mode

META Hill/Hybrid

  1. Vegeto
  2. Guts (Berserk)
  3. Griffin (Darkness)
  4. Anz (Overlord)

META Ground

  1. Sosuke (Eternal)
  2. Alucard (Unholy King)
  3. Hido (Immortal Butcher)
  4. Stain (Hero Slayer)
  5. Endeavor (Hellflame)
  6. Itochi (Susanoo)
  7. Asushi (Moonlight Beast)
  8. Gas (Toxic)
  9. Noruto (Six Tails)
  10. Shigaruko (Symbol of Fear)
  11. Daky (Obi)
  12. Vegita (Majin II)

META Support

  1. Griffin (Reincarnation)
  2. Leafy (Sylph)
  3. Wenda
  4. Orwin
  5. Lao (ROOM)
  6. Homuru (Time Traveller)
  7. Shallta (Bloodfallen)
  8. Power (Fiend)
  9. Koichy (Echoes)
  10. Kisoko (Bankai)
  11. Diavoro
  12. Puchi (Heaven)
  13. Lulu (Geass)
  14. Kiro (Bites the Dust)
  15. Red Scar (Conqueror)
  16. Dazai (No Longer Human)
  17. Tatsumiki (Tornado)
  18. Pain (Divine)
  19. JIO (Over Heaven)
  20. Emili

Good Hill/Hybrid

  1. Byu (Ultimate)
  2. Gilgamesh (King of Heroes)
  3. Goko (Ultra)
  4. Pride (The One)
  5. Zid (Shadow)
  6. Poseidon (Tyrant of the Seas)
  7. Aizo (Final)
  8. Tango (God of Flashiness)
  9. Archer (Heroic Spirit)
  10. Komon (Paper Angel)
  11. Hinamy (Yotsume)
  12. Chuyo (Corruption)
  13. Luffo (Gear IV)
  14. Medae (Witch of Betrayal)
  15. Demiurge (Demon Emperor)
  16. Golden Freezo (Emperor)
  17. Conrod (Wizard King)
  18. Usoap (God)

Good Ground

  1. Roger (Pirate King)
  2. Saber (Promised Sword)
  3. Albedo (Overseer)
  4. Izu (Demon Snow)
  5. Lancer (Child of Light)
  6. Illy (Homunculus)
  7. Aku (Rashamon)
  8. Senbodu (Buddha)
  9. Flamingo (Awakened)
  10. Kiroto (Dual)
  11. Heathcliff (Admin)
  12. Avdo (Magician’s Red)
  13. Skull Knight (King)
  14. Josuka (Unbreakable)

Good Support

  1. Jirayo (Toad Sage)
  2. Merlyn (Infinity)
  3. Sukuno
  4. Megomu (Chimera Shadow)
  5. Mochi Charlot

Understanding Unit Types: Ground, Air, and Hybrid Units

In Anime Adventures, units can be classified into four main types: GroundAir/HillHybrid, and Support. Understanding the roles and limitations of each type is essential for building an effective team.

  • Ground Units: These units have powerful damage potential but cannot target air units. They excel at dealing high damage to enemies on the ground.
  • Air/Hill Units: These units can only be placed on hills, making them less flexible. However, they can target flying enemies, which gives them a niche role in certain battles.
  • Hybrid Units: The best of both worlds, hybrid units can target both ground and air enemies, making them the most versatile and powerful units in the game.
  • Support Units: While not as focused on direct damage, support units play a crucial role in enhancing the abilities of other units. They offer buffs, healing, and debuffs, making them invaluable in long-term strategies.

Unit Grades and Game Modes

Units in Anime Adventures come in different grades, from Secret and Mythical (the strongest) to Epic and Rare (the weakest). The higher the grade, the more likely the unit is to be meta-relevant. The game offers multiple modes to test your strategies:

  • Infinite Mode: A hard mode with endless waves of enemies, perfect for testing the strength of your team.
  • Story Mode: The primary mode where you progress through different anime worlds, collecting items and XP.
  • Raid Mode: A challenging mode where you can fight enemies for valuable rewards like gems and shards.

In Anime Adventures, the key to success lies in building a balanced team of strong, versatile units. By focusing on top-tier units from the S and A tiers, you can maximize your effectiveness in battles. However, don’t discount the utility of support and hybrid units, as they often provide critical buffs and debuffs that can turn the tide of combat. As the game evolves and new units are introduced, keep an eye on the tier updates to stay ahead of the competition.

Anime Adventures
About Jay
A Content writer for Contact me on [email protected], we can't reply to gmail for some reason.