Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Frost Rock Cookie Guide, How Good Is He?

The latest update in Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures has introduced Frost Rock cookie, and players are buzzing about his potential. With his slick intro animation and a unique playstyle built around damage over time and self-healing, Frost Rock cookie has quickly become a subject of intense discussion. In this guide, we’ll break down his abilities, promotions, and overall gameplay performance to help you decide if he’s worth the investment for your roster.

Frost Rock cookie makes a striking entrance as soon as you pull his banner. His design is simple yet appealing—an agile, lanky cookie with cool, icy aesthetics that have clearly aged well. The initial polls and artifact pulls have shown that his visual flair carries over to his in-game performance. His banner, combined with the cookie choice gotcha mechanic, provides a chance to secure not just one but even extra copies of him through pity mechanics.

Abilities and Promotions

When you promote Frost Rock cookie, you’ll notice significant stat improvements:

  • Attack Increase: His promotions ramp up his damage potential, making him a formidable foe.
  • Cryo Boost: A cryogenic element is infused into his attacks, adding a thematic touch that ties into his frosty design.
  • Restoration: One of his promotions includes a self-healing component that helps him recover HP during battles.

Frost Rock cookie’s special skill is where he truly shines. His ability deals damage over time (DoT) with a massive multiplier effect, boasting numbers as high as 42,000 damage in some cases. This burst potential makes him particularly effective in boss battles, where high damage output in a short burst is essential. However, keep in mind that while his special skill is impactful, his overall attack speed is noticeably slow.

Gameplay Performance in Raids

During raid mode, Frost Rock cookie displays some interesting traits:

  • Ultimate Impact: His ultimate skill is flashy and powerful. When activated, it delivers an impressive visual and damage output, making it a highlight of his kit.
  • Special Skill Efficiency: The DoT effect from his special skill, paired with his self-healing promotion, gives him an edge in sustained boss fights.
  • Basic Attack Drawbacks: One common critique is that his basic attacks feel clunky and sluggish. In scenarios where continuous damage is necessary, this slow pace might be a drawback. However, his burst damage in his ultimate and special skill often compensates for this, especially in high-stakes, boss-based modes.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • High Burst Damage: His special skill multiplier can deal enormous damage in a short time, making him ideal for boss battles.
  • Self-Healing: The restorative aspect of his promotions can keep him in the fight longer.
  • Cool Visuals and Animations: His design and unique animations add to the overall fun and appeal.


  • Slow Basic Attacks: His regular attacks are noticeably slower compared to other cookies, which might affect performance in situations requiring rapid damage.
  • Clunky Feel Outside Ultimate: While his ultimate is impactful, the overall pace of his attack routine may not suit every playstyle.

Frost Rock cookie is shaping up to be an intriguing addition to CookieRun: Tower of Adventures. While his slow basic attack speed may not appeal to everyone, his impressive burst damage, self-healing capabilities, and striking design make him a strong candidate for boss modes and high-stakes raids.

If you’re looking to invest in a cookie that can deliver high-impact moments and handle challenging encounters, Frost Rock cookie might just be worth maxing out. Experiment with him in your raids, utilize those artifact tokens, and see if his unique playstyle complements your team’s strategy. Happy cookie running, and may your frost never melt under pressure!

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