By Jay / / Games

The Mrs. P Skin Quest in Piggy is a challenging but rewarding mission that requires players to solve puzzles, find hidden items, and complete a special boss fight. To succeed, you’ll need to carefully follow each step, avoid common bugs, and efficiently collect key items without making mistakes. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from unlocking the heart-shaped key to defeating the final boss, ensuring you complete the quest as quickly as possible.

Piggy How to Beat & Get Mrs. P Skin Quest

1. Chapter 6: Hospital and the Heart-Shaped Key

  • Select Chapter 6 Begin by selecting chapter 6 and choosing the bot option.
  • Go to the Hospital Room In the hospital, head to the room with the table that has a locked mechanism.
  • Enter the Code On the table, enter the code 0524. This will award you a heart-shaped key.

Important: Do not pick up any additional items at this point. Collect only the heart-shaped key, then exit the map immediately to prevent any glitches.

2. Carnival: The Green Key Room and Cupboard Puzzle

  1. Access the Green Key Room In the carnival area, locate and unlock the Green Key room.
  2. Interact with the Cupboard Inside the room, find the cupboard with a heart-shaped lock. Click on it. Although it appears you need the key, you do not; a code prompt will appear.
  3. Enter the Code for the Puzzle Type in applepie and press enter. This action triggers a mini-game where you must remember the sequence of colors that light up.
  4. Mini-Game Strategy
    • Write down the sequence of colors as they appear.
    • The order remains consistent but adds two new colors each round.
    • If you make a mistake, you must restart the sequence with a new order.
  5. Ferris Wheel Activation Once the mini-game is successfully completed, the ferris wheel will activate. You can then collect a toy box from the ferris wheel.
    Note: Do not pick up any other item after collecting the toy box, as doing so will cause the item to disappear and force you to restart the chapter.
  6. Complete the Carnival and Escape Finish the carnival section and exit the map while holding the toy box.

3. Unlocking a Special Power

  1. Return to the Main Menu In the main menu, click and hold on the items box. A progress bar will begin to load.
  2. Special Power Activation When you hear a click indicating completion, you will have unlocked a special power. This power is essential for the next chapter.

4. Chapter 12: The Puzzle Quest

  1. Enter Chapter 12 Proceed to chapter 12 and prepare to complete a special Puzzle Quest.
  2. Activate the Magnifying Glass On the right-hand side of your screen, activate the magnifying glass tool to begin searching for puzzle pieces.
  3. Locate All Puzzle Pieces The pieces are hidden in the following locations:
    • Under the floor of a pillar in the central area.
    • On the side of the central area, underneath a pillar in the orange area.
    • Under the shelf in the top orange room.
    • On top of the vent in the left building of the green key card area.
    • On top of a light in the green building in the green area (adjacent to the green key card area).
    • In the potion SL Dynamite room.
  4. Collect the Dynamite After finding all puzzle pieces, make sure to collect the dynamite if you have not already done so. Complete the remainder of the map to obtain it. Warning: Do not activate the second stage of the fight when collecting the dynamite.

5. Initiating the Boss Fight

  1. Return to the Mrs. P Portrait Once you have the dynamite, go back to the area near the Mrs. P portrait. A secret entrance will appear.
  2. Follow the Lights Follow the directions indicated by the lights in the area to navigate through the secret passage. Some lights may seem misleading; ignore those and continue following the overall direction.
  3. Reach the Laboratory Continue until you arrive at a strange laboratory. Place the dynamite on the door to teleport all players into the boss fight.

6. The Boss Fight: Collecting and Distributing Hearts

  1. Objective The goal of the boss fight is to locate two hearts and distribute one each to Mr. P and Mrs. P.
  2. First Heart – Bucket Method
    • In the carnival, locate the bucket.
    • Activate the water supply in the barn (this can be done through the cogs in the school).
    • Return to the carnival and use the bucket to fill the tube, which will yield the first heart.
  3. Second Heart – Potion Mixture
    • Find the necessary potions scattered around the map and mix them to create the second heart.
    • The red potion is the most difficult to find and is typically located among the basketballs.
  4. Distribution of Hearts
    • Give one heart to Mr. P and one to Mrs. P.
    • Important: Deliver the hearts one at a time. Attempting to give both hearts to the same person will result in failure and a game over.

Completing the Mrs. P Skin Quest requires careful attention to detail and precise execution of each step. Follow this guide step-by-step, and you will successfully navigate the quest, unlock the special power, and defeat the boss by properly delivering the hearts to Mr. P and Mrs. P. Good luck on your mission, and be sure to review each section carefully to avoid any missteps that could force you to restart the quest.

Mr PiggyRoblox
About Jay
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