By Jay / / Games

Ragnarok M: Classic is here, and if you’re ready to dive into the game and level up fast, the first day is crucial. This guide will walk you through the steps you need to take on Day 1 to maximize your combat, loot, and leveling time efficiently. Whether you’re new to the game or a returning player, following this guide will help you get the most out of your first day!

1. Initial Setup – Turn Off Combat Attempts Consumption

Once you’ve created your character, head into the settings and uncheck the combat attempt consumption box. This will prevent you from accidentally wasting your combat attempts on lower-level monsters while completing your quests. Combat attempts are valuable, so you’ll want to save them for optimal grinding!

2. Follow the Main Questline

Continue following the main questline until you reach Prontera (or until you hit the point where the quest requires you to reach level 40). By the time you hit this stage, you should be between level 27 and 28. This will give you a solid foundation for grinding.

3. Invest in Saint Gear

If you have some Zeny or have topped up, head over to the NPC and purchase the Saint Gear set. The full set costs about 13M Zeny and includes a weapon suitable for your job class. This will improve your survivability and efficiency for grinding early on.

4. Increase Your Taste Level

Head north of Frona to the Cooking NPC. By cooking low-level foods and consuming them, you can increase your Taste Experience. This will give you bonus stats, making your grinding process smoother. Aim to level up your Taste skill until you can consume six foods at once—this will help you gain extra stats for faster leveling.

5. Start Grinding at Level 27

Once you’ve done the quests and equipped your Saint Gear, it’s time to start grinding. Head to suitable monster paths and grind from level 27 until you hit level 40. Remember to turn on your combat attempts during this phase so you can gain XP and loot more efficiently. Focus on quests first before grinding to avoid having a gap where higher-level monsters provide more XP.

6. Job Change to Advance Further

Once you reach level 40, you can complete the job change quest. Upon completing this, you should reach around level 44 and have around 2,000 combat attempts to use for your job change. After the job change, continue grinding until you unlock quest breakpoints and complete quests to maximize your experience gain.

7. Optimal Grinding Paths

  • From level 27 to 54:

    • Ferus Path: Start grinding at Ferus at a low level and have party members finish off the monsters for you.
    • NineTails: If you prefer an easier grind, try the NineTails path, which becomes faster and more efficient after your job change.
  • Rare Card Farming:

    • From level 27 to 34, you can farm Minorous to find the rare Minorous Card, which can sell for millions of Zeny in the first few weeks. However, stay careful—once you pass level 34, the XP gain isn’t worth the effort here.

8. Use Energy Efficiently

You’ll start with 180 energy per day. Ideally, use your energy after completing your 5,500 combat attempts for the day. The experience gain from energy consumption scales better the higher your level, so try to maximize your XP by using your energy on Rifts or material instances. XP potions and energy potions from quests can further boost your progress.

9. Aim to Reach Level 60 by Day 1’s End

If you can manage to get level 60 by the end of Day 1, you’ll be in a good position for the upcoming days. Make sure you complete Satan Morok instances before the reset to maximize your experience gain. You can also team up with friends or use the world chat to form parties and take down MVPs and Mini bosses for extra loot and experience.

10. Day 2 and Beyond

The process for Day 2 and onwards is quite similar. Focus on grinding for your quest breakpoints, complete your quests, and then use instances and MVP hunts to finish off your day. You’ll continue to gain levels efficiently by following this path.

Your first day in Ragnarok M: Classic is crucial to setting up a solid foundation for your character’s progression. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be able to maximize your experience, loot, and combat time. Keep pushing forward, and soon enough, you’ll be on your way to dominating the game’s higher levels.

GuideRagnarok M Classic

About Jay
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