Ragnarok M Classic, How to Increase Your Overall Damage All Jobs Guide!

If you’re diving into Ragnarok M: Classic, you’re likely looking for ways to increase your character’s damage output. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, optimizing your damage can significantly impact your gameplay. In this guide, we’ll go over some key strategies that will help you progress faster and maximize your potential.

1. Understand Your Job and Build

The first and most important step to increasing your damage is understanding your character’s job and build. Every job in Ragnarok M: Classic benefits from specific gear and upgrades. Knowing which build suits your playstyle and goals will set you up for success. For instance, certain jobs like Sniper or Wizard require specific gear sets or skill focus to boost damage. You can search for build guides from experienced players or YouTube tutorials to learn more about the most effective setups for your character.

2. Focus on Aesir

One of the best ways to increase your damage is through Aesir, which is part of your guild donation. Every job relies heavily on IR to boost their damage. The more you contribute to the guild, the higher your damage potential becomes. It’s crucial to spend your Zeny wisely by donating to the guild and unlocking guild rewards such as gold medals and Zeny donations to progress your character’s stats. This is one of the fundamental steps for all classes.

3. Adventure Book Contributions

The Adventure Book is another essential aspect of improving your damage. By making daily contributions to the Adventure Book, you can unlock various bonuses, including attack boosts and attribute enhancements. Items like headgear or other equipment you deposit into the Adventure Book can provide a significant damage boost over time. The more you contribute, the better your stats will become, so it’s recommended to focus on this early on for long-term progression.

4. Crafting and Enhancing Weapons

Your weapon plays a pivotal role in your damage output. It’s a good idea to focus on crafting or upgrading your weapons as soon as possible. Certain jobs, like Snipers, benefit from specific weapons like Malang Snow Crab, while other classes may need different types of gear. If you can’t craft a weapon immediately, focus on upgrading existing ones to max attributes and enhance them gradually to improve their damage. You can also look for set gear if available. Weapons should always be prioritized because they have the greatest impact on your overall damage.

5. Refinement and Upgrade Gear Gradually

While refining gear can be expensive, it’s a great way to increase your damage. Start by refining the most important items such as weapons and armor, but be mindful of your Zeny. If you’re playing as a free-to-play (F2P) player, take your time collecting the necessary materials for refinement, rather than rushing into spending large amounts of Zeny. This way, you can maintain a steady progression without exhausting your resources too quickly.

6. Card Usage and Slotting

Cards are optional in the early stages of the game but can significantly boost your damage if used wisely. Cards provide various stat boosts, such as increasing your attack or providing additional damage reduction. While high-tier cards can be quite expensive, it’s recommended to use whatever cards you have in your inventory for now. Over time, you can save up for more powerful cards as their prices decrease with time. Cards that are essential for boosting your damage can be found from specific monsters, so be sure to focus on card hunting as you progress.

7. Optimize Your Gear and Stats

Finally, don’t forget to optimize your gear and stats. Once you have your weapon and armor upgraded, pay attention to enhancing stats such as strength, agility, and dexterity. These stats can directly influence your damage output, so make sure to refine your character’s build by focusing on increasing the appropriate attributes for your job. Each job benefits from a unique combination of stats, so it’s crucial to research your job’s ideal stat distribution for maximum damage.

Maximizing your damage in Ragnarok M: Classic takes time, patience, and smart decisions. By following these tips—understanding your build, focusing on IR, enhancing your gear, and using cards effectively—you’ll be on your way to becoming a powerful force in the game.

Remember, it’s not just about the gear; it’s about making the right choices at each step of your journey. With these strategies in mind, your damage output will grow, and your progress will speed up significantly. Keep pushing forward, and enjoy the game!

Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.