By Jay / / Games

If you’re new to Digimon Digital Monster: Net Driver, you’re in for an exciting yet challenging adventure. As a beginner, there are a few essential tips that can greatly improve your gameplay experience. In this guide, we’ll cover the top five beginner tips—insights that I wish I had known when I first started playing. From gardening to managing fatigue, these strategies will help you maximize your progress and enjoy the game to its fullest.

1. Always Be Gardening

One of the most crucial activities in Net Driver is gardening. Taking care of your fields and growing food is a fundamental part of the game. Not only does gardening yield essential items like meat (used as a resource), but it also provides a steady supply of materials that you can sell or use to upgrade your Digimon. Remember, your garden is your primary source of income and progression—so make it a priority from the very start.

2. Don’t Forget to Fertilize Your Meat

Alongside gardening, fertilizing your food is key. Use the resources (like the “poop” your Digimon produce) to fertilize your meat crops. This simple action significantly boosts the yield, giving you larger quantities of meat every time you harvest. Since meat can be sold to vendors or used to purchase other crucial items like medicine, ensuring you fertilize regularly can give you a considerable advantage in resource management.

3. Manage Your Fatigue Meter

A critical aspect that many beginners overlook is the fatigue meter. When your Digimon’s fatigue level exceeds 90%, their performance drops dramatically—your stats (especially defense) take a hit, and your Digimon become less effective in battles. To manage this:

  • Rest Your Digimon: Let them sleep to reduce fatigue. When your Digimon is asleep (or when you simply close the game), fatigue decreases at a rate of about 25% per hour.
  • Monitor Your Fatigue: Always keep an eye on the fatigue meter, which is displayed on your screen. If it gets too high, avoid activities that further increase fatigue.

4. Be Cautious When Going Online

In Net Driver, simply going online to search for items or complete quests will gradually increase your fatigue meter by 1–5% each time, depending on what you find. Since you need at least 5% available to perform online searches, it’s important to manage this activity wisely. Avoid excessive online actions, especially when your fatigue is already high, to conserve energy for critical gameplay moments.

5. Avoid Battles When Your Digimon Are Tired

Battling with a fatigued Digimon can be disastrous. Not only do tired Digimon suffer from significantly reduced stats—making them much easier to defeat—but battling also pushes their fatigue meter even higher and increases their risk of falling sick.

The best approach is to wait until your Digimon have rested (ideally keeping fatigue in the 80% range or lower) before engaging in fights. This strategic pause can save you from unnecessary losses and help maintain optimal performance during crucial battles.

6. Keep an Eye on Your Digimon’s Weight

During a recent developer stream, it was mentioned that a Digimon’s defense stat is affected by its weight. If you notice the defense stat appearing in red, it might be due to your Digimon having a low weight. A heavier Digimon generally means a higher defense stat, so consider this factor when training and evolving your team. While the exact increase isn’t specified, understanding this relationship can help you make better decisions regarding your Digimon’s growth and evolution.

Mastering Digimon Digital Monster: Net Driver is all about efficient resource management and smart gameplay. By focusing on gardening and proper fertilization, managing your fatigue levels, being cautious with online actions, and avoiding battles when your Digimon are tired, you’ll be well on your way to success. Keep these tips in mind as you embark on your journey, and you’ll find that your overall gameplay experience becomes much smoother and more enjoyable.

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