Ultimate Tribe Nine Leveling & Farming Guide Daily!

Leveling up in Tribe Nine can be a challenge if you don’t have a solid strategy. Whether you’re looking to power up your main team or invest in other characters for additional game modes, this guide breaks down the pro tips and routines that can help you maximize your EXP gains and resource efficiency. Below, we outline an efficient approach to leveling and farming in Tribe Nine, from early chapters to reaching level 50 and beyond.

1. When to Start Your EXP Farming

Timing is Everything:

  • It’s best to begin serious EXP farming once you’ve completed Chapter 2. At this stage, focus on pushing your main team’s levels.
  • Aim to get your key characters maxed out to Level 40 initially. Once that’s achieved, challenge tougher content like the Fractal Vice to push your level cap to 50.

Focus on Your Main Team:

  • Prioritize your primary unit’s growth first. For instance, if you’re using a setup with units like Simba, and focus on leveling them consistently.
  • A strong main team not only boosts your performance in regular gameplay but is also essential for modes like XB, which require investment in multiple characters.

2. Utilizing EXP Boosts & Crafting Resources

EXP Boosts and Consumables:

  • Tuna Sushi: Use this consumable starting at Level 15. It provides extra EXP over the course of 10 battles and is effective until you’ve completed roughly 10 fights.
  • Muscle Lunch: Once you reach Level 15, this boost will help until Level 30, accelerating the leveling process for additional characters.
  • These resources, often available through NPC recipes, are not only for your main team but also help you level up other units organically.

Crafting Recipes:

  • Regularly check in with the NPC that offers recipes. Although these recipes may not be critical for your main team, they’re essential for leveling additional characters and maintaining overall growth.

3. Optimizing Your Farming Routine

Group Your Enemies:

  • Instead of fighting enemies one by one, group them together to maximize your EXP gains. This method lets you handle multiple foes with one battle, efficiently utilizing your EXP boosts.
  • When possible, use a strategy that lets you “one-tap” groups of low-level enemies. This minimizes the number of boost entries used per enemy, preserving your resources.

Key Farming Locations:

  • Sheba Temple (Chapter 2): This area is ideal for farming high-value chests that reward you with essential resources. Luxurious chests here often provide large amounts of resource currency (like Kane) that are vital for ranking up.
  • Midtownscholar Bookstore: Another hotspot for grouped enemies, perfect for mass farming.
  • Rifts and Mid Bosses: Engage in Rifts for concentrated EXP and valuable boosters. Mid and Chapter Bosses not only yield high EXP but also drop rare resources and cards for further upgrades.

4. Balancing Organic Leveling vs. EXP Spending

Organic Leveling Benefits:

  • Leveling your characters organically (i.e., without spending extra EXP boosts) may take longer but doesn’t drain your precious resources like Kane.
  • For characters that aren’t your primary carry, organic leveling is a more sustainable approach. Reserve your EXP boosts for when you need to rapidly increase levels in a pinch.

Managing Resource Costs:

  • When deciding whether to use your EXP boosts, consider the cost. If boosting a character from Level 24 to 37 costs a significant amount of your resources, evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the expense.
  • Efficient grouping and farming can help mitigate these costs by maximizing the EXP earned per boost entry.

5. Putting It All Together: Your Daily Routine

Here’s a quick checklist to streamline your daily leveling and farming routine in Tribe Nine:

  • Burn Your EXP Boosters First: Use tuna sushi and muscle lunch during high-density enemy encounters to maximize their 10-battle benefits.

  • Explore High-Value Areas: Regularly farm locations like Sheba Temple and Midtown scholar Bookstore for chests and resource drops.

  • Engage in Group Fights: Manipulate enemy groupings to “one-tap” as many foes as possible, ensuring each boost is used efficiently.

  • Tackle Rifts and Bosses: Include Rifts and mid/chapter bosses in your routine for high EXP and resource rewards.

  • Balance Your Team Growth: Focus on your main team until you reach Level 50, then gradually invest in other characters for modes like XB.

Effective leveling and farming in Tribe Nine come down to a balanced approach: prioritize your main team, leverage EXP boosts strategically, and always seek out areas rich in resources. By grouping enemies and farming high-yield zones, you can significantly reduce the grind and accelerate your character growth. Adapt these strategies to your playstyle, and soon you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your overall performance. Happy farming, and may your journey in Tribe Nine be as efficient as it is rewarding!

Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.

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