Ultimate Ragnarok M Classic Zeny Guide: All You Need to Know

Ragnarok M Classic offers plenty of ways to earn Zeny (the in-game currency), and maximizing your earnings can significantly improve your gameplay experience. Whether you’re a new player or an experienced veteran, knowing how to earn Zeny efficiently can make a big difference. In this guide, we’ll break down some of the best methods for earning extra Zeny daily, along with useful tips and tricks that you might not know yet.
1. Merchant Class – Overpriced Passive Skill
One of the most effective ways to earn extra Zeny is by utilizing the Merchant class and its Overpriced passive skill. This skill allows your character to sell items to NPCs at a 24% higher price. Here’s how to take advantage of this:
- Create a Merchant: You can create three characters under the same account and make one of them a Merchant.
- Grind Items with Main Character: Have your main character grind for loot and items while playing.
- Transfer Trash Equipment: Transfer the unwanted or low-value equipment your main character acquires from grinding to your Merchant character.
- Sell to NPCs: Once the Merchant has the Overpriced skill, sell those items to NPCs for a higher profit. You can easily earn 40K-60K Zeny per day doing this.
This method works particularly well if your main character is a Mechanic or Genetic, as they can directly benefit from the Overpriced skill without needing an alt character.
2. Clear Rift for High-Value Equipment
Once you reach level 80 and complete the three-star Rift level, you’ll start earning valuable refined equipment. Here’s how you can make Zeny from these:
- Triple Drop Bonus: Every day, you get 30 minutes of free Game time, which grants a Triple Drop Bonus. This is the perfect time to raid the Rift for equipment.
- Sell High-Refined Equipment: Even if your Rift gear has already reached a +12 refine, it’s still recommended to run the Rift daily and sell any +8 or higher equipment to NPCs or on the market for a good profit.
While the Merchant Overpriced skill won’t work here, you can still sell the items directly with your main character for great returns.
3. Daily Cooking Quest
If you’re looking for a consistent daily source of Zeny, the Prontera Cooking Association has a great opportunity for you. You can complete a daily quest that requires you to submit a random dish. Here’s the breakdown:
- 70 Zeny per Submission: Completing the cooking quest on a single character gives you 70k Zeny.
- Multiple Characters: You can do this with multiple characters, allowing you to earn up to 210k Zeny per day.
- Bonus Items: The quest also rewards you with random food ingredients, which can be used to craft higher-level dishes or be sold.
This is a simple and effective way to earn a little extra Zeny each day.
4. Arrow Crafting and Dye Sales
Crafting arrows and Collor dye at the Prontera NPC and selling them can also yield some nice profits:
- Arrow Crafting: You can craft arrows and sell them for a decent price.
- Dye Crafting: Create white dye or black dye and sell them on the exchange. Early in the game, Elemental Converter Stones and white/black dye are in high demand, so keep an eye on the exchange to maximize your sales.
If you’re struggling to sell your items quickly, you can always sell them to NPCs for quick Zeny.
5. Chaos Invasion Instance
The Chaos Invasion instance is another lucrative source for earning Zeny. It drops MVP mats and high-priced gear, especially popular meta gear. Here’s how to make the most out of it:
- Run the Instance: Participate in the Chaos Invasion instance using your gameplay time.
- Sell Gear and Materials: After completing the instance, check out the Exchange to sell any rare gear or materials dropped during your run.
- Monitor Market Demand: Keep an eye on the market to see which gear or materials are in demand. Selling high-demand items when they’re in low stock can net you big profits.
6. Chest Farming for Zeny
Opening blue and purple chests is a great way to earn Zeny quickly:
- Focus on Blue and Purple Chests: These chests can drop 50K-100K Zeny in valuable materials, which you can sell on the exchange or to NPCs.
- Use Alt Characters: If you have alt characters, they can help you open chests faster by providing buffs and assistance in combat.
Remember, some chest mobs will be harder to defeat in certain areas, so consider using pets or mercenaries to help you out. Check out our Chest Location Guide for this!
7. Deleting and Recreating Alt Characters for Zeny
A more advanced method for Zeny farming involves deleting and recreating alt characters:
- Recreate Characters for Zeny: After creating alt characters and completing your Zeny farming tasks, you can delete them and start fresh. This method allows you to keep farming Zeny from multiple characters with minimal effort.
- Market Changes: Be aware that the Zeny market may fluctuate, so it’s important to time your sales based on market demand.
This method can yield up to 7-10 million Zeny per day, depending on the state of the market.
Earning Zeny in Ragnarok M Classic can be a fun and rewarding process if you use the right strategies. By focusing on methods like using a Merchant character, completing daily quests, crafting and selling items, and running instances like Chaos Invasion, you can steadily increase your Zeny income. With these tips, you should be well on your way to mastering Zeny farming and improving your gameplay in no time!
Ragnarok M Classic