Arcane Lineage How to Fight Seraphon & Arkhaia Guide

Arcane Lineage offers two boss fights that test your team’s strategy and coordination. This guide covers the basics of preparing for and fighting against the bosses Seraphon and Arkhaia. With the right team composition and a good understanding of their mechanics, these battles can be much easier than they seem.

Before you start, make sure that at least one member of your team is at tier 20 with a Max Covenant. Speak with the designated NPC to trigger the battle. While the rest of the party does not need to be at Max Covenant, having a well-balanced team is key.

Many players recommend using A and S tier classes along with a solid DPS option like Blade Dancer Veneri. It is also important to include a Saint in your team for healing, unless your build already has self-sustaining features like parasitic leech or sanguine fang. Soloing these bosses is not recommended unless you are using a speed build.

Arcane Lineage How to Fight Seraphon – Mechanics

Seraphon starts the battle with a powerful skill known as Justice. With 4,500 HP, she delivers high damage with this move, so make sure to block or dodge it if possible. Another challenge with Seraphon is her unique “purified” status effect.

If a Saint heals you while you have this status, Seraphon also gains a significant amount of healing. This means you need to be cautious about when and how you heal during the fight. Seraphon also has a self-heal move that clears all status effects and restores her HP based on the number of effects present.

This can instantly give her a huge boost in health if you are not careful. Note that she is immune to weaken and possibly some other status effects. Her drops include Sun weapons—which lower enemy defense—and the Raphion blessing.

Arcane Lineage How to Fight Arkhaia – Mechanics

Arkhaia is considered a bit tougher than Seraphon due to his higher damage output and larger HP pool of 7,000. Unlike Seraphon, Arkhaia does not summon minions but uses a chain mechanic. When he attaches a chain to a teammate, any attack you make on him will also affect your teammate. This makes it crucial not to attack when the chain is active.

Arkhaia uses skills like AOE Moves. He also employs a fire attack that applies ghost flame to nearby allies. Be mindful of his big area-of-effect moves and use skills like flowing dance to maximize your damage without putting your team at risk. His drops include Sun weapons, a spectral enchant, and sometimes his own set of weapons, although these may be bugged at times.

Both Seraphon and Arkhaia present unique challenges in Arcane Lineage. By ensuring that you meet the entry requirements, choosing the right team, and staying alert to their mechanics, you can defeat these bosses with a solid strategy.

Experiment with your builds and practice good timing with your healing and attacks. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to take on the bosses and claim their rewards. Enjoy the fight and good luck on the battlefield!

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