All Hollow Era Skills Guide, Hollow, Gillians, Adjucha, and Vasto Lorde Info!

The Hollow Era in various games or stories often introduces a complex progression system, with each stage of Hollow evolution offering new abilities and skills. In this case, the progression includes Hollows, Gillians, Adjucha, and Vasto Lorde, each with their unique skill trees and abilities. Let’s explore the Hollow-exclusive abilities for each type, starting from their basic strength moves to their Reiatsu powers.

Hollows, Gillians, Adjucha, and Vasto Lorde all have distinct abilities tied to their unique evolution stages. Each type follows a specific skill tree, focusing on different aspects like strength, Reiatsu, vitality, and more. These abilities evolve as the Hollow progresses through these stages.

Hollow Abilities

Hollow Strength Nodes

  • Hollow Strength: Boosts the damage you deal with physical attacks, such as fists and strength-based moves.

Hollow Strength Abilities:

  1. Claw Slash: Slash forward with sharp claws to deal damage.
  2. Rock Throw: Gather debris and throw it at enemies with great strength.
  3. Hollow Slam: Slam the ground with force, sending a shockwave in a straight line.

Hollow Reiatsu Nodes

  • Hollow Reiatsu: Increases your maximum Reiatsu and boosts the damage of Hollow powers.

Hollow Reiatsu Abilities:

  1. Acid Spit: Generate a bolt of concentrated acid and spit it at your target.
  2. Acid Grab: Grab your enemy and cover them in corrosive acid.
  3. Acid Slam: Slam the ground, spreading acid to nearby surfaces.

Hollow Vitality Nodes

  • Vitality: Increases your overall health, enhancing survivability.

Gillian Abilities

Gillian Strength Nodes

  • Gillian Strength: Increases damage with physical moves, focusing on fist strikes and strength-based abilities.

Gillian Strength Abilities:

  1. Gillian Stomp: Perform a powerful upward punch to lift enemies into the air.
  2. Gillian Roar: Let out a roar that stuns all nearby enemies.

Gillian Reiatsu Nodes

  • Gillian Reiatsu: Boosts your maximum Reiatsu and the damage dealt with Gillian powers.

Gillian Reiatsu Abilities:

  1. Gillian Cero: Charge and fire a powerful cero beam.
  2. Cero Burst: A faster, concentrated burst of cero energy.

Gillian Vitality Nodes

  • Vitality: Increases health, enhancing resistance and survival.

Adjucha Abilities

Adjucha Strength Nodes

  • Adjucha Strength: Focuses on increasing damage from physical attacks and strength abilities.

Adjucha Strength Abilities:

  1. Claw Slash: Slash forward using sharp claws to inflict damage.
  2. Rock Throw: Lift and hurl debris at enemies with great force.
  3. Hollow Slam: Create a shockwave by slamming the ground.
  4. Adjucha Slam: A powerful right-hand slam that deals area-of-effect (AOE) damage and stuns.
  5. Rampage: Rush forward for 3 seconds, leaving a trail of damage in your path.

Adjucha Reiatsu Nodes

  • Adjucha Reiatsu: Increases both max Reiatsu and the damage dealt with Adjucha powers.

Adjucha Reiatsu Abilities:

  1. Acid Spit: Launch a concentrated bolt of acid at a target.
  2. Acid Grab: Grab an enemy and cover them in acid.
  3. Acid Slam: Spread acid around by slamming the ground.
  4. Devastating Scream: A high-pitched scream that creates a shockwave, stunning and damaging enemies.
  5. Cero: Charge a destructive beam of energy and fire it at the enemy.

Vasto Lorde Abilities

Vasto Lorde Strength, Vitality, and Speed Nodes

  • Strength, Vitality, Speed: These nodes refer to the basic principles of physical power, durability, and agility, enhancing your character’s overall performance in combat.

Vasto Lorde Reiatsu Nodes

  • Vasto Lorde: Boosts the damage of Vasto Lorde powers.
  • Reiatsu: Increases maximum Reiatsu.

Vasto Lorde Reiatsu Abilities:

  1. Devastating Scream: A high-pitched scream that generates a shockwave, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.
  2. Bala: Teleport above your target and shoot a fast-moving orb of Reiatsu at them.
  3. Ragdoll: The Bala orb now knocks enemies around, ragdolling them.
  4. Stronger Cast: Bala now can break through enemy blocks.
  5. Cero: Charge and fire a damaging beam of Reiatsu.
  6. Stronger Beam: A more powerful Cero that deals significantly more damage.
  7. Final Cero: Pin an enemy down and unleash a devastating cero.
  8. Gran Ray Cero: An incredibly powerful beam capable of destroying anything it touches.

The Hollow skill trees and abilities offer a wide range of playstyles across the different forms of Hollows. From powerful physical attacks and devastating Reiatsu abilities to defensive enhancements, each form provides unique strategies for players to explore. Whether you choose to rely on raw strength, acid-based powers, or devastating energy blasts, these abilities ensure a dynamic and challenging gameplay experience.

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