In the world of Hollow Era, players begin their journey as a Lost Soul, a starting race that sets them on the path to becoming a powerful Hollow. As you progress through the game, you will have the opportunity to evolve through various stages: Hollow, Gillian, Adjucha, Vasto Lorde, and finally, Resurrección. This guide will explain how to become each of these stages and the steps involved in progressing through them.
How to Become a Hollow
- Start as a Lost Soul.
- Rip the chain on your chest to transform.
- After all three chain segments break, you become a Hollow.
The first step to becoming a Hollow in Hollow Era begins when players are in the Lost Soul form. After the dying animation, your character transforms into a soul, marked by a chain that appears on their chest. The key to becoming a Hollow is to rip out the chain. When all three segments of the chain break completely, the player will officially become a Hollow.
Once you’ve become a Hollow, you will have access to a unique skill tree and abilities that will help you evolve further. At level 10, you can open a Garganta to Hueco Mundo, the Hollow realm, where it’s easier to find other Hollows to consume and level up. You’ll gain experience by killing NPCs or consuming other Hollows.
How to Become a Gillian
- Evolve from a Hollow at level 15.
- Gain Race Progression points by killing Hollows or interacting with Hollow Pillars.
- Defeat 5 other Hollows in your inner world to evolve.
To evolve into a Gillian, you must reach level 15 as a Hollow. Upon reaching this level, you will have the ability to gain Race Progression points by killing Hollows or interacting with Hollow Pillars. Once you accumulate enough Race Progression points, you will be transported to your inner world, where you must defeat five other Hollows. If you die during the challenge, you can try again.
The difficulty of the inner world Hollows increases as you progress, and you’ll need to complete the challenge three times to evolve. This evolution marks your transition from a Hollow to a Gillian.
How to Become an Adjucha
- Gain Race Progression points by killing or eating other Hollows.
- Collect items from defeated Hollows to boost stats.
- Accumulate 800 Race Progression points and required items to evolve.
As a Gillian, you will continue to grow stronger by earning Race Progression points. You can gain these points by killing or consuming Hollows. The amount of points you receive varies depending on the Hollow type you defeat. For instance, killing a Hollow grants 1 point, while a Vasto Lorde provides 8 points.
At this stage, you must continue to gain Race Progression points. Once you’ve accumulated enough, you will evolve into an Adjucha. In addition to gaining Race Progression points, Adjuchas can also drop equippable items from defeated Hollows. These items, such as the Tail, Horn, and Double Horn, help boost various stats.
How to Become a Vasto Lorde
- Evolve from an Adjucha with 800 Race Progression points.
- Collect specific items dropped by Hollows to complete the evolution.
Once you evolve into an Adjucha, your journey isn’t over yet. You will need to collect 800 Race Progression points and obtain specific items to evolve into a Vasto Lorde. These items are dropped by different Hollow types, such as Back Fins from Hollows or Spiral Horns from Vasto Lordes. Once you’ve gained all the required items, you will have the chance to evolve into a Vasto Lorde. Vasto Lordes are the final evolution of a Hollow. As a Vasto Lorde, you have access to more powerful abilities, and you are a fearsome force in the Hollow world.
How to Become an Arrancar
- As an Adjucha or Vasto Lorde, interact with a crystal bush in Hueco Mundo.
- This evolution grants new abilities and power.
If you’re an Adjucha or a Vasto Lorde, you can evolve into an Arrancar by interacting with a crystal bush that spawns every 30-60 minutes in Hueco Mundo. Upon evolving into an Arrancar, you gain new abilities and a unique power set, further enhancing your combat prowess.
How to Obtain Resurrección
- Reach level 50 and complete a quest from the King of Hueco Mundo to kill 50 Arrancar.
- Fill the Rage Bar by taking or dealing damage.
- Activate Resurrección when the Rage Bar is full by pressing Y.
- Deactivate manually by holding Y, or automatically when out of rage or reiatsu.
The ultimate transformation for an Arrancar is the Resurrección, which grants you access to even more powerful abilities. To obtain your Resurrección, you must reach level 50 and speak to the King of Hueco Mundo in Las Noches. He will assign you a quest to kill 50 Arrancars, which must be completed before you can activate your Resurrección.
Once you’ve completed the quest, you’ll need to fill your Rage Bar by either taking damage or dealing it. When the Rage Bar is full and pulsating, you can activate Resurrección by pressing the Y key. This powerful transformation boosts your abilities and allows you to defeat enemies with more strength. However, if your reiatsu or rage runs out, the Resurrección will be automatically deactivated. You can also manually deactivate it by holding Y.
Progressing through the Hollow ranks in Hollow Era is an exciting journey full of challenges and powerful transformations. From starting as a Lost Soul to achieving the mighty Resurrección, each step brings new abilities and challenges. By mastering each stage, you’ll grow stronger and gain more power, allowing you to dominate in the world of Hueco Mundo. Whether you’re looking to evolve quickly or explore every aspect of Hollow evolution, this guide will help you understand the process and the steps you need to take to achieve greatness.