Gumball and Dungeon Tips and Tricks: All Secrets Codes for Advantages in The Game!

Gumball and Dungeon is a strategy-filled roguelike RPG where players explore mysterious dungeons, collect powerful Gumballs, and battle through challenging stages. To progress faster and gain extra rewards, using secret codes can be a game-changer. These codes provide free in-game items, resources, and boosts that can help you strengthen your team without spending real money. In this guide, we’ll cover the latest secret codes, how to redeem them, and essential tips and tricks to maximize your gameplay experience.

Note: for the Chinese Code, simply Copy and Paste it to the text and claim the code.

Codes Rewards
Blacksheepwall 2 (commando fragment*2)
Operationcwal 2 (Templar fragment*2)
Whosyourdaddy 2 (Demon hunter)
Iseedeadpeople 2 (Death knight)
Aegis 2 (king fragment)
Warpten 2 (dwarf king)
test 100 coins
123456 5000 Coins
165324 7500 Coins
1332211185 10000 Coins
Showmethemoney 10000 Coins
Greedisgood 10000 Coins
32167 Dragon’s Rib*5
Nwcneo Fruit of World Tree*5
Robinhood Eternal Gold2
iampeter Gem*1
iamvincent Gem*2
gogogo World tree’s exp
slime Adventurer’s fragment*2
gumball Gumball’s pot
dungeon Heroes’ potion*3
fireinthehole Unstable concoction
freedom Heart of ancient tree
forthehorde Panda’s fragment*2
timeismoney Time wizard’s fragment*2
iwillbeback Terminator’s fragment*2
iamyourfather Universal master chip*5
whatisbestinlife Yamato’s chip*5
Whorunbartertown 5000 relic fragment
tooktheredpill Photon core*10
iamironman Subspace core*5
firstblood God’s blood*1
doublekill God’s blood*2
triplekill God’s blood*3
monsterkill Vampire hunter fragment*2
rainbow’s contract*5
joinme Spy gumball (requires to enter 35 codes)
ineedyourcomboskill spy/zerg queen combat skill
holyshit Gem*1
3.1415926 3 world tree fruit
89757 2 terminator fragments
youjumpijump 2 gems
wordgang 1 gumball’s pot
ppap Dreamland potion x 2
niconiconi 10K RELIC FRAGMENTS
an eye for an eye 3 star contract
allroadsleadtorome 2 gladiator fragments
lifewaslikeaboxofchocolates 10 cream berry
poweroverwhelming 2 zerg queen fragments
howdoyouturnthison 5 gumball chips
STUPIDISASSTUPIDDOES Adventurer’s potion x10
seeingisbelieving Crystal egg x5
curiositykilledthecat Fairy potion x3
transformandrollout Autobots’ Fragment x2
BILIBILI magic iron x10
冈布奥永不为奴 artisan x1
厉害了我的肝 Adventure fragmentx10、adventure potionx10
呵呵 Vanilla Flour x20 Cream Berry x20
蓝瘦香菇 Blue Crystal Gel  x20
shoryuken red dragon frag x2
hadoken dark dragon frag x2
givemefive unstable potion x5
getbusylivingorgetbusydying reaper fragments x2
pot x1
我到碗里去了 2x golden pot
你中蛋你全家都中彩蛋 5 melee relic
MAYTHEFORCEBEWITHYOU 10 fairy spring + 10 star mint
這我一定集 1 gumball artisan
辦活動時露出彩蛋是常識 10 adventurer frags
再忙也要送你一顆彩蛋 5 world fruit tree
好了下去領彩蛋 10 mysterious status
滿滿的大彩蛋 5 harp frags
彩蛋不分藍綠 5 assassin runes
通通拿去做彩蛋 5 demon slayer crossbow
銅鋰鋅 3k relic
躺著也中彩蛋 30k coin
彩蛋恆久遠一顆永流傳 5 spartan frags
有彩蛋才敢大聲 5 sunflower frags
有彩蛋就是任性 2 gems
彩蛋9527 2 gumball pots
這不是彩蛋什麼才是彩蛋 5 cloak of holy runemaster frags
Trustmeyoucanmakeit 10 dark steel
你媽知道你在這裡找彩蛋嗎 10k coins
整個城市都是我的彩蛋 2 battery pack
先別說這個了你看過彩蛋嗎 5 gumball’s frags
讓彩蛋飛 3k relic
生命就該浪費在美好的彩蛋上 1 gold pots
轉角遇到彩蛋 2 battery pack
靠北彩蛋 3 universal master frags
已知找彩蛋 2 gumball pot
依法放彩蛋謝謝指教 2 zorro frags
摻在一起做成撒尿彩蛋啊 10k coin
嗯嗯呵呵有彩蛋 5 world tree fruits
這種鬼地方也有彩蛋 RS 500
LETITGO 100 magic iron
這不是岡布奧 10 mysterious statue
UCCU 20 airship mat batt
kerker 20 tesla circuit
不可質疑你的彩蛋 5 universal falcon frags
地方的岡布奧需要彩蛋 1 sun contract
BJ4 20 photon core
over my dead body 10 Soul Crystal
HOUSTONWEHAVEAPROBLEM 2 Evil Pumpkin + 2 Crystal Egg
to be or not to be 1 Moon Contact
您現在正在進行一個撿彩蛋的動作 2 Gems
你眼睛業障重 5 Unstable Concoction
heyjude 20 Mithril
BINGO 3000 Relic Fragments

And there you have it, some of the code that you can use for gumball and dungeon. This code is usually updated on the official facebook fanpage of Gumball and dungeon. So be sure to like, and follow them for more information about Gumball and dungeon Officially!

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