Fragpunk Crosshair, Best One to Use & How to Import/Export Guide!

When playing tactical shooters like Fragpunk, your crosshair plays a significant role in the outcome of your matches. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, designing the right crosshair for your playstyle can greatly improve your performance. In this guide, we’ll take you through the top 10 crosshairs you can use in Fragpunk, each suited to different Lancers and gameplay styles. These options cater to various preferences, whether you prefer minimalism or something more intricate. Let’s dive in!
How to Import/Export Crosshairs in Fragpunk
Changing your crosshair in Fragpunk is a simple process, and you can even share custom crosshairs with your friends or import theirs. Here’s how to do it:
- Log into the game and reach the main menu.
- Click on the Cog-Wheel icon at the bottom to access the settings.
- Under the General section, scroll down to find the Crosshair option.
- Toggle the Custom Crosshair from Default to either Apply to Hipfire Crosshair or Apply to Hipfire and Sight Crosshair.
- You’ll now see a Management button below this option with both Import and Export choices.
- To Export your crosshair, simply copy the code from the input box and share it with friends.
- To Import a crosshair, click Import and paste the code into the input box.
By following these simple steps, you can easily change and share your crosshair designs to fit your unique style and gameplay needs.
1. Simple Dot
Description: The Simple Dot crosshair is ideal for players who favor minimalism and precision. Its compact size and clear design help reduce distractions on the screen, allowing you to focus on the target. This is one of the best choices for those who want to keep things simple.
Code: czazazazazaibzaibzazbzazaafzggbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0000zFFFFFF
2. Closed Tight Cross
Description: If you find the default Fragpunk crosshair a bit too spaced out, the Closed Tight Cross offers a tighter version of the classic crosshair. With no gap in the center, this crosshair helps you aim more precisely and enhances your gameplay flow.
Code: azazafzaizaizaczaczazbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF
3. X-Crosshair
Description: The X-Crosshair offers a distinctive shape resembling the letter “X”. Although it may seem quirky, it’s highly effective when aiming for headshots. The intersection of the X gives you a solid point to aim at, which is especially useful for hitting headshots.
Code: azdzaaabzaizaizaezaezebzbzddbzbjdzddbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabz00FF00zFFFFFF
4. Square
Description: The Square crosshair is a great alternative to the Simple Dot if you prefer a slightly larger and more structured aiming point. It’s excellent for players who want to avoid the circular design but still need something compact for precision.
Code: azczaaabzazazaibzaibzazbzfaczaaabzafezaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzF00000zFFFFFF
5. Cross with Dot
Description: The Cross with Dot is perfect for players who enjoy a combination of flicking and tracking. The dot in the center is great for quick flick shots, while the cross lines help with more accurate tracking and spraying, especially with AR-type weapons.
Code: azbzifizahzahzaczaczjizbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0C0CzFFFFFF
6. Tenz Crosshair
Description: This crosshair is the same one used by the professional Valorant player, Tenz. Known for its minimalistic design, it works great for players who like to keep their aim simple and clean, making it a suitable choice for Fragpunk as well.
Code: azazafzaezaezaezaezeczazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabz05EAFFzFFFFFF
7. Morse Code
Description: The Morse Code crosshair uses a series of horizontal lines that resemble a cryptic message. While not everyone’s favorite, many players swear by it, especially for headshots, as they feel the lines help them keep the target centered.
Code: bzazazazaabzaezaezfdzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0000zFFFFFF
8. Concentric Circle
Description: If you’re a shotgun user, the Concentric Circle crosshair is an excellent choice. It features multiple rings around a central point, which are perfect for controlling the spread of shotgun pellets and making sure your shots land accurately.
Code: czazazazazaibzaibzbfbzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFF00zFFFFFF
9. True Cross
Description: The True Cross is similar to the Tight Cross, but with a longer vertical length. It’s perfect for using projectile-based weapons like the Blaster or Smoker. The extended vertical crosshair helps in lining up long-range projectiles with ease.
Code: azbzazagzaezaczaczazbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF
10. Half Face
Description: The Half Face crosshair features a triangle shape at the bottom, which gives you an unusual but effective aiming point. This crosshair works by placing the top point of the triangle on the enemy’s head for a clean shot.
Code: bzezaaabzahzabbzaczaezfezbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF
The crosshair you choose in Fragpunk can significantly affect your aiming accuracy and overall gameplay. Whether you prefer something simple like the Simple Dot or a more complex design like the Morse Code, each crosshair in this guide has its strengths. Experiment with different types to find the one that suits you best, and don’t hesitate to share your custom designs with others. Happy fragging!