By Jay / / Games

In Chained’s latest Roblox event, the Mega Tokens are the key to unlocking exciting new areas, and scoring your fourth Mega Token is an essential milestone. This guide outlines the easiest and fastest way to get that fourth Mega Token, detailing each step and offering useful tips to help you navigate through the challenging course with a partner.

Understanding the Chained’s Mega Token Event

In this event, Mega Tokens are used to unlock new event zones. So far, players can access the Orb Zone and the Block Zone, and the fourth Mega Token is crucial for opening up a brand-new area in the event hub. Once you secure the token, you’ll be one step closer to unlocking this exclusive content. The process requires teamwork, precise timing, and a bit of puzzle-solving, making it a fun challenge for you and a friend.

1. Navigating the Event Map

Start by making your way to the end of the event map. Here, you’ll encounter a section marked by blue elements that serve as your gateway to the next world. Once you enter this area, you’ll need to complete the map—a process that generally takes around 20 minutes. However, by following these tips, you can speed things up considerably.

2. Team Up for Success

Communication is key in this challenge. Find a partner to work with and either chat via Roblox’s built-in messaging system or hop on a call. As you navigate the map, you’ll come across areas that appear to be dead ends. When this happens, press the nearby button multiple times to reveal a hidden path. You and your partner will need to work together—rotating parts and coordinating your moves—to ensure that both of you can cross over to the next section safely.

3. Mastering the Memory Game Challenge

One of the trickiest parts of the map is a memory game challenge where you need to press four blue buttons simultaneously. With only four lives available, it’s crucial to pay close attention. As you press the buttons, note which ones light up blue. Once you identify the correct combination, the blue player can proceed, allowing you both to continue on your journey.

4. Lever Puzzle and Vault Activation

After overcoming the memory challenge, you’ll enter a larger area where four levers are scattered around the map. The process here involves coordination between you and your partner. Typically, one player (often designated as blue) will press a button to enable the other (red) to climb a ladder and activate a lever. Repeat this process until all four levers are activated. Once done, a cut scene will play, and the vault will open.

5. Final Challenge and Earning the Mega Token

With the vault open, your next task is to complete the rest of the map. This final section includes a platform challenge where one player stands on a button to move a platform while the other carefully crosses over. Stay focused, avoid falling, and navigate your way through. Near the end, you’ll reach a cave that triggers a final cut scene followed by a tense escape from a falling stone. Successfully escaping this last challenge will reward you with the fourth Mega token.

Earning the Mega token in Chained! is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires teamwork, precise coordination, and a bit of strategic planning. By following this guide and working closely with your partner, you can overcome each obstacle and unlock a brand new event area. Keep these tips in mind, and soon enough, you’ll be exploring all the new content that the Mega tokens make possible. Enjoy the adventure!

About Jay
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