You searched for: smartphone

Nexus 6P Camera Samples: 5 Best Photo from The Romain Guy

Nexus 6P Camera Samples: 5 Best Photo from The Romain Guy Last time, we have…

Nexus 6P Image Stabilization: All Things You Should Know

We have already talked about the Nexus 6P gorilla glass. Then, we may need to…

Nexus 6P Protected by Gorilla Glass 4th Generation

Hello, welcome back to Roonby. We have already talked about the Nexus 6P problem, then…

Nexus 6P: The 5 Problems and How to Fix It

Nexus 6P: 5 Problems and How to Fix It Welcome back to Roonby. I have…

Nexus 6P Gestures: Interesting Feature to Launch The Camera

Nexus 6P Gestures : Interesting Feature to Launch The Camera We have already talked about…

Nexus 6P: The SIM Card Size That Used

Nexus 6P : The SIM Card Size That Used Nexus 6P is the newest phablet…

How quick the charge time on Nexus 6P ?

How quick the charge time on Nexus 6P ? The Nexus 6P has a large…

iPhone 6S Water Resistant But Not Waterproof

iPhone 6S Water Resistant But Not Waterproof Since the iPhone 6s have been out for a…

iPhone 6S Key Features: 3 Essential Things You Should Know

iPhone 6S Key Features : 3 Essential Things You Should Know Previously, we have already…

iPhone 6S Durability: Dropping, Scratching and Waterproof Issues

iPhone 6S Durability : Dropping, Scratching and Waterproof Issues Every new smartphone that made by…

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