
Everything You Need To Know About Moto 360

Since it was announced a few months ago, the Moto 360, the first intelligent clock…

Sony Smartwatch 3 Drops to $199 ($50 off) on Verizon

Sony makes a new bet in its product line Smartwear, presents the third generation of…

5 Best Watchfaces and Designs for Moto 360

Get the most out of the beauty of your Moto 360 with this collection of…

LG Would Be The Sole Provider of Screens Apple Watch

A JP Morgan analyst Apple says entrust the entire production of screens LG on Apple…

Is Apple Watch a Necessary Device? And What Is It?

The need is something that is built, not born inherently connected to the device. Taking…

JP Morgan Predicts 26 Million Sales of Apple Watch This Year

The investment firm increases its prediction about the value of shares of Apple to $…

Android Wear Has Not Taken Off: Only 720,000 Devices Sold in 2014

Sales of Android Wear smartwatch fall below expectations and fail to reach a million in…

Analysis of The Battery Life of Apple Watch, Is It Enough?

19 hours of passive use and 4 active use enough or sufficient for a device…

A Belgian Watch Store Apple Announces Valentine “Subject to Availability”

Some stores already use Apple Watch as a marketing tool and advertised for Valentine. Relax,…

Apple Begins to Train its Employees for The Arrival of Apple Watch

Apple training program for employees of the Apple Store for the arrival of smartwatch begins…

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