Mobile Legends

Moonton Will Gives an Easy Ways to Obtained Season Skins Mobile Legends

Moonton just revealed a new way to obtain Season skins in Mobile Legends, which will…

Reasons Why Odette Mobile Legends is Not in The META

Odette is an awesome mage that had been revamped by Mobile Legends. Sadly did you…

4 Mobile Legends Heroes to Counter Gloo!

It was really annoying When dealing with Gloo in EXP Lane Mobile Legends. This is…

Mobile Legends Natan Gets a Huge Buffs!

Natan Mobile Legends has been included in one of the forgotten heroes since the previous…

4 New Mobile Legends Free Skins – 21 December 2022

Mobile Legends frequently provides free skins to players through many ways, Starting with reward events…

6 New Mobile Legends Nerfs Given by Moonton

Moonton will nerf these 6 Mobile Legends Heroes for being too powerful. Moonton will nerf…

Mobile Legends will Nerf Fanny in The Early Games

Fanny Mobile Legends is indeed very annoying with the high damage it has, and this…

How Much are Mobile Legends Aspirant Ruby and Angela Skins Price

Mobile Legends Aspirant skins, which present 2 new anime skins for Angela and Ruby will…

Beatrix Mobile Legends Minion and Turrets Nerf

Beatrix got a nerf from Moonton in Mobile Legends because she's too easy to use,…

Moscov Mobile Legends Range Buff Makes Him Easier to Use

Mobile Legends Moonton will gives a simple buff to Moscov, It seems like they wants…

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