Mobile Legends Updates

Moonton Brings A Nerf to Roaming Item on Mobile Legends!

Roaming item is becoming one of the most used item since the beginning. Mainly because…

Mobile Legends Gusion Got Another Nerf………

After the nerf that Moonton gives to Gusion, (Gusion is one of the best assassins…

Popol and Kupa Mobile Legends Got New Passive, More OP than The Bonus Attack Speed!

Previously, we have covered that Mobile legends is going to released a new marksman called…

Granger will Get A Nerfs, Out from Mobile Legends Next Hero META!

Granger is becoming one of the best marksman in Mobile Legends. Mainly, because of his…

Freya, Lancelot, and Hanzo Mobile Legends Gets OP Revamp!

Mobile Legends with the recent updates where the old hero's coming to the early season…

Moonton Will Release A New Game Called Chess-TD!

Moonton as the developer of Mobile Legends, in the next update patch 1.4.20 they will…

Mobile Legends Pharsa Got A Revamp, Here is The Skill Explanation!

Mobile Legends on their newest patch update will revamp the useless mage in classic and…

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