Android Wear 5.1.1 Begins to Upgrade Reach LG SmartWatch

A month ago, Google officially announced the new update for Android Wear, specifically version 5.1.1 coming full of new features, some of them as interesting as the possibility to have native access to our Smartwatch. After a month without knowing a remote release date for this new update, now Google has posted a message on their official support forums in which he announces that the release of Android Wear 5.1.1 is imminent.
In fact, some media have begun to report that a minority users of the LG G Watch R and Watch G have already received the update and have been able to download their devices. Although there is still no statement from Google, the upgrade could first LG watches and then the rest of Android Wear devices.
As we reported at the time, this update features such interesting developments as a native WiFi, gesture controls to interact with the system without having to touch the screen, draw emojis to send messages, the ability to set applications in the home screen, or compatible applications to run on the Android Wear black and white mode environment.
Although the update should reach all Android Wear Smartwatch market characteristics as the native WiFi may be restricted to certain devices. This is because currently only Watch Urbane, the Moto 360, the Sony Smartwatch 3 and Samsung Gear Live will support WiFi. Others like the LG G Watch R, despite having internal WiFi chip will not be compatible with the function, but the company itself has confirmed that this could change in the future.
Android Wear 5.1.1 comes hours after the first update of the Apple Watch software
As noted in The Verge, the release of Android Wear 5.1.1 for some users comes hours after Apple published the first software update for Apple Watch: Watch OS 1.0.1. Both platforms aspire to become the common denominator of the market for smart watches, although Android Wear seems to be having some trouble convincing as major manufacturers like Samsung, who seems to opt for its own operating system for the next Smartwatch to come.
For now, if you have not yet clear what you can offer the Apple Watch vs. Android Wear, we recommend taking a look at this comprehensive comparison in which we analyzed both operating systems. Have you been able to update your Android Wear now?
Via phonearena
Android Wear