By Erfan / / Smartwatch

Welcome to this step-by-step video in which we will show you how to save the battery power of your Gear S 2 and increase the battery stand by time. Please note your Gear S 2 needs to be connected to your Samsung device compatible with Gear S 2.

Samsung Gear S2 Sleep Mode

1. Switch to sleep mode

Your Gear S 2 provide various options that helps you conserve the battery power. When you are not using the Gear switch to sleep mode by holding the screen with your palm. Note, the screen will also turn off.

Close Running Apps on Gear S2

2. Close the running apps

If the gear s2 is not used for a specific  period close any unnecessary apps you have running to do so tap the recent apps icon and rotate the bezel to highlight the app you want to close then drag recent apps window upwards to close it or tap the X icon. To close all running apps, tap close all.

Turn off bluetooth on Gear S2

3. Turn off the Bluetooth feature

If you would like to use your gear s2 independently as stand-alone device, please turn the Bluetooth feature off. In the quick access panel, tap on settings then scroll down and tap connections. Then tap on Bluetooth, tap on the green setting icon to turn off the Bluetooth feature off.

Wifi off on Gear S2

4. Turn off the Wifi feature

Similarly, you can turn the WiFi feature off when not in use to save power. In the quick access panel tap on settings then scroll down and tap connections then WiFi and then turn the WiFi feature off.

Setting brightness level on Gear S2

5. Decrease the screen brightness level

You can also decrease the screen brightness, to adjust the screen brightness swipe downwards on the home screen and tap the brightness icon then decrease the screen brightness by rotating the control wheel.

Deactivate the watch always on feature on Gear S2

6. Deactivate the watch always on feature

Deactivate the watch always on feature. The watch always on feature sets the Gear S 2 display a watch when the screen is turned off. Tap on settings in the quick access panel then tap display and then turn off the watch always on feature.

Voice Wake up Off on Gear S2

7. Deactivate the voice wake up feature in S voice

You can also deactivate the voice wake up feature in S voice. If you enable this feature the gear S2 microphone will be in a stand by state to launch S Voice when your screen is turn on. To deactivate this, select S voice on quick access panel then tap on the S Voice Additional Options icon turn off the wake-up S voice feature.

Manage Notification on Gear S2

8. Limit the notification

You can customize the notification settings in the Samsung Gear s2 manager app on the mobile device. On mobile device, tap on the Samsung gear app then tap on notifications tap manage notifications and select only those apps you really wish to receive notifications on the gear and then tap Done. Additionally, if you turn on limit notifications, it will set the gear to block notifications that are received on the mobile device’s screen is turned on.

See this Video for Details:

Thanks to CS Samsung for making this Great Video !

See All Tips on Samsung Gear S 2 :

How to Use The Touch Screen & Navigating Menu on Samsung Gear S2

How to Use The Call and Message Features on The Samsung Gear S2

How to Send Media Files Between Mobile Device and Samsung Gear S2

How to connect Samsung Gear S2 to Your Smartphone

Battery Power Samsung Gear S2Samsung Gear S 2Save Battery on Gear S2

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  • says:

    Closing the app by pressing the back or home buttons is not enough; the app may continue to run in the background and drain battery power.