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Easy Ways to Take Care Your Smartphone Battery

Easy Ways to Take Care Your Smartphone Battery

4 Easy Ways to Take Care Your Smartphone Battery !

Often we feel annoyed because the smartphone battery can not survive until the day. Actually it is caused by our own mistake. It makes rapid battery drop.

In addition to running applications that suck large battery power, sometimes we do not correct battery charging.
We quote from Techinsider page, Thursday (11/26/2015), The Battery University revealed that the lithium-ion batteries in cell phones sometimes have ‘stress’ and like humans, if the condition persists it will damage the battery.

If you want to make a battery condition is well maintained. We have to change some habits, namely:

1. Remove the Battery Charger When Full Indicator Appeared

Based on the Battery University page, leaving the handset in the electric charge conditioned on full battery, it gives bad effects to the battery in the long run. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect it from the charger. Battery University likens it as relaxing the muscles after strenuous exercise. You also would not want to work without interruption. Similarly, to your phone battery.

2. Do not Charge Up to 100%

According Battery University Li-ion batteries do not require a full charge. So it is advisable not to fill up to 100%. Because of the high voltage will suppress the battery.

3. Charge More Often, Not Nothing!

To make the battery better life. You should more often charge. It is considered better than filling it in an empty condition. Battery University suggest charging the phone before it reaches 10%. But this certainly is not practical. So the charge as often as possible when the battery getting low is better. No need to fear, because it does not damage the battery.

4. Make sure Stay Cold

Smartphone battery is quite sensitive to heat. There are some suggestions that should be done. If you find the phone recharged and you feel it become hot, try to removing the casing. When you are in the sunlight, keep the phone remains closed. All that will protect the health of your battery.

Good luck!

Take Care Your Smartphone Battery

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