3 Android TV Apps: Now, We Could See The TV Everywhere

Android TV Apps: Now, We Could See The TV Everywhere
We could see the tv everywhere now, especially in your android phone but you need an app to do that, that’s why we are here to give you guys some of the lists.
1. NetFlix
Source : https://play.google.com
Netflix is the world’s leading subscription service for watching TV episodes and movies on your favorite device. Get this free application as a part of your Netflix membership and you can instantly watch thousands of TV episodes & movies on your Android TV device.
Netflix is an app where you could stream thousands of popular movies and TV shows, from The Great Escape to The Hunger Games, and from Star Trek to Parks and Recreation. Netflix also produces a variety of original content, such as the American remake of House of Cards and the fourth season of the offbeat sitcom Arrested Development. Unless you have a huge library of your own content, Netflix will probably be your first stop to find great videos to watch.
Download : here!
2. A&E
Source : https://play.google.com
Watch hours of full episodes of Bates Motel, Damien, Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars, Beyond Scared Straight, and more. All your favorite A&E shows are available wherever and whenever you want, right on your Android device. The A&E app is a great new way to access full episodes and clips from all of your favorite A&E shows. New content is added all the time.
A&E is another app for movie watching. Most of A&E’s signature reality shows—everything from Flip this House to Duck Dynasty—are present and accounted for in the network’s solid Android app, but the selection of available episodes can be frustratingly spotty, particularly when it comes to recent episodes.
Download : here!
3. HuluTV
Source : https://play.google.com
Hulu Plus is the best place to watch current episodes and full seasons of the shows you love. Get unlimited instant streaming of 1000s of current-season and library TV shows and hit movies – anytime, anywhere with limited advertising for $7.99/month.
Hulu Plus is the next-best thing beside a cable subscription or an HD antenna. This service specializes in getting broadcast and cable shows up right after they air on TV, often within 24 hours. Hulu Plus features content from networks such as ABC, NBC, Fox, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, as well as a smattering of movies that run the gamut from “fairly decent” to “so bad, it’s good.” Original programming on Hulu Plus includes the paranormal comedy Deadbeat and the teenage drama East Los High
Download : here!
A&EAndroid TV AppsHuluTVNetFlix