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Best Werewolf / Mafia Game on Play Store 2022

Werewolf/mafia game is a game where a group of people or friends, tries to find who is the werewolf/mafia in the game. The game used day and night system. In the night, the werewolf/mafia will kill the villager. The villager jobs is to lynch the werewolf in the day. However be careful because you might lynch your friends.

There are also some villager that have a role. Some common role are investigator, a role that enables you to know which is the werewolf. A Guardian, someone that protects other from the werewolf/mafia. A Jester, someone that will win if you lynch them.

The role will decide how you play, and it is pretty fun to play too.  For addition, you need a good moderator to get a good game, with that being said. Here is some of the best werewolf game that is available to download on google Play Store. Check them out!

1. Werewolf


If you want to play the party game Werewolf (also known as Mafia), but all you are missing is a set of cards and you don’t feel like using pen and paper, this app is for you. Simply configure how many players are participating, which roles you would like to use (e.g. how many werewolves etc.) and off you go. You will then be able to hand around your device and each player can tap to see their role.

There are more than 30 roles to play, and this app is probably the most downloaded app out of all werewolf app.

2. One night ultimate werewolf


The One Night app is designed to be used with the One Night Ultimate Werewolf. One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak, and One Night Ultimate Vampire party games published by Bezier Games. You will need at least one of these games in order to take advantage of this app.

This app automates the night time narration based on the roles in your game, and provides a timer that can be used for the day phase of the game.

3. Werewolf Party Game


Werewolf is a social puzzle casual game app with performance, inference, speech and logic, which provides a perfect social system to make it more interesting when PK with friends.

One minute you’re a Villager, defending your theoretical home with every fiber of your being. The next, you’re a Werewolf, framing your friends and accusing them of wanting to destroy your village, when really it’s you who’s been infiltrating it all along.

The game proceeds in alternating night and day rounds. The villagers win if they kill both werewolves. The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers so that the numbers are even.

Each game becomes an epic phenomenon, designed to test your personal judgement and moral character.

4. Werewolf Free Version


A player will be killed by the werewolves who tells lie, if the human players don’t find the werewolves.
Can you find the werewolves with your technical talk, deep insight, and reasoning.

Bad majority decision leads to kill the important player.
Is the game that your friends suspect of liar each other or that your friends try to trust each other?
The play style is your own.

Mafia GameOne night ultimate werewolfWerewolf Free VersionWerewolf GameWerewolf Party Game
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