By Jay / / Games

Mobile Legends is one of the leading MOBA games right now. It is one of the most popular game that is played by all the young and old. It is a competitive 5v5 game where player will be up against a team of another player in a battle field.

The player can use heroes and many more to kill the enemies and destroy their base to win the battle. To make your heroes more powerful, you will need to have an item to make your hero a lot more OP. But, there are many people that don’t know the effect on each item, or equipment and because of that today, we will give you a complete explanation on the item which is Athena Shield.

What is Athena Shield?

Athena’s Shield
Defense-3-Athenas-Shield Item : Price : Item Level :
Defense 2050 3
+900 HP
+56 Magic RES
+20 HP Regeneration
Passive Abilities: Shield
Athena Shield is able to get a shield of 450 – 1150 according to how long the game match is every 30 seconds to absorb any damage given.

Athena Shield is one of the Mobile Legends defense item that can be used to further enhance the heroes durability in the game. It will give you additional health and shield. And it is probably one item that gives the most health, in total it will give you 2000 Health added with the passive that gives you additional shield.

Which makes it one of the most used item in Mobile Legends. It also gives you a good protection against any mages early game because of its additional magic resistance and its HP regens lets you heal so that you won’t need to go recall each time.

So what role that should buy this item?

It is not role that should be a concern when buying this item in general, but which enemies that you are up against. For example in a match where you fight against a mage burst damager like Eudora, Gussion, and many more then you will definitely need this item.

However, if you are up against physical fighter or assassin like Hayabusha, Lapu – lapu and so on. Definitely use another item like Blade armor or Physical Defense armor.

If you are up with any mage especially if you are a Tanker, then try to take this item first before moving on the next item.

When Should we buy this item?

There are of course some circumstances and of course like i had said before, if you are up against a mage. But here we will give you the detail which is :

Role: Mage

  • In the late game, especially if you are up against a mage damage dealer or a Mage assassins that can kill you one shot. However, if you could definitely don’t take this because mage should be protected by a tank and fighter rather, and would rather you to take another magic power item rather than this item.

Role: Assassins

  • In the late game, If you are up against a one hit kill burst damager. It all depends if you can survive the mage damage dealer. However do not take this item unless it is really necessary.

Role: Fighter

  • One of the best item for fighter especially if they are up against any mage. This is will be one of your core item that you should get in the late game for more durability against any mage. Do note that use this item only if you are up against a really annoying and burst damaging mage.

Role: Tank

  • Probably your core item if you are up against any mage damage dealer. If you are a tanker, take this item first after your boots, and then you will be able to defense in both armor and magic damage because of the high durability. Especially since the damage of most physical damager is lower than most magic damager. But if you are up against non magic damager, then definitely buy physical defense item rather than this item.

Role: Support

  • Depends on the situation, but also the same as other role. If you are up against Mage and it hurt really bad, then try to use it. But if not, then don’t because this item won’t be useful if you are up against a physical damage dealer.

Role: Marksman

  • Not really that useful for Marksman. Still do take this if you are up with lunox, gussion, karina, or even any other mage that will one shot you in a bit. This item will definitely help you in pinch and the added health can be useful for your durability and survive ability, especially in the late game.


This item is indeed useful when you are up against mage or any magic damager, since most magic damager have a huge damage that will kill any of you in a matter of seconds. This item is definitely one of the core item for tank, and can be use in the early game since the most damage given in the early game is a magic damager.

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Athena ShieldgamesMobile Legends GuideMobile Legends Tips and Tricks
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