Call of Duty Mobile is Up for Pre-Registration!

A little while ago, reported by Gamerbraves that we will be getting a new Call of Duty Mobile that is published by Garena. And the wait is finally over, since the game is currently up for pre-registrations and you will now be able to play the game in Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Philippines.
The game is made in collaboration with 3 company, Activision, Tencent and Garena. They promise a new high quality graphic, multiple game modes and a smooth game play. We can expect tons of fun that will be included in the game. Currently, there are 2 modes that is known, the Team Death Match, and the Search and Destroy mode.
The players can bring in their friends to join the game, and play together in the game. For those that are interested, you should pre-register your account.
Because the player that register it before the launch will get a sweet reward. Especially, if you guys get a 1 million pre-registrant. You will get a M16 with a Neon Tiger Camo (Rental for 7 days). There are also some loot box / prize box that will give you a chance to get a permanent in game items.
So, what are you waiting for, click on the link below and download the game now!
Call of Duty MobilegamesGarenaPre-registration Games