Tanjiro and Nezuko Skill Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba in Onmyoji Arena!

Aside from Mobile Legends that is said to be getting a collaboration event with Demon Slayer, Onmyoji Arena from NetEase will also be getting another collaboration with the said anime. And It seems like Onmyoji Arena is much more serious with the collaboration because recently they had released some leaks regarding the Tanjiro and Nezuko Skill Preview.
As you can see in the video above, there are going to be 2 new Shikigami or Characters that you can play in the game Tanjiro and Nezuko. Tanjiro is going to have all of his previous anime skill in the game, with his first skill that has 4 forms that you can utilize to kill their enemies. From Ichi no Kata, Ni no kata, Hachi No kata, Roku no Kata, and lastly if you hit his first skill you can easily jump and strike your enemies with a basic attack.
Nezuko herself hasn’t really been given any leaks for her skill gameplay yet but we can see from her skill preview, she has the physical abilities, range attack, and lastly buff abilities to make herself more powerful.
Update: Nezuko skill gameplay
Regardless this is a huge welcome for anime fans and the game lover in general. If you are interested in the game, Onmyoji Arena is a MOBA game made by NetEase with similar gameplay to Mobile Legends or AOV.
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androidDemon SlayeriOSKimetsu no YaibaOnmyoji Arena