By Jay / / Android Games Mobile Legends News

Beatrix is one of the most interesting marksman in Mobile Legends. The hero has the ability to change her weapon in the game, and depending on the range and fire rate will also change how she plays the game. This is why this hero is highly seeks for those that want to challenge themselves, interestingly enough we have a little leaks on the upcoming Mobile Legends Marksman Beatrix Release date!

One of Mobile Legends Leakers just now released new leaks regarding this new Dawnbreak Soldier. This hero is going to be released on 19 March 2021. You will be able to play this new hero by buying it with BP or Diamonds at the price of 32,000 BP and 899 diamonds. If you are interested in the gameplay, you can see it in the video above.

This new marksman has the ability to change her weapons, from Sniper rifle, Shotgun, Handgun, to grenade launcher. Of course with each weapon change, her skill abilities will also be changed. So depending on your opponents, you will be able to use her to kill her enemies. For example, Shot gun is very useful for tanker because of the high damage output, Sniper for marksman because of the range, a handgun for minion because of ammo, and a grenade launcher is useful for war.

If you are interested in Beatrix save up your BP now because she will definitely be fun to play!

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