Selena STUN Mobile Legends Release Date!

Mobile Legends recently release a group as part of Mobile Legends 515 Unite yearly event. These group that consists with 3 heroes, Selena, Broddy, and Chou will be getting their own respective skins in the event. For those that are interested with the song can listen it below:
The group is called STUN, and as you can see on the teaser image above, Selena, Chou, and Broddy will be getting their own interesting skins. This skin will not only changes their image, but also their skill effect as you can see with the Chou STUN Skin below.
Personally, This skins looks better than most of the skins in Mobile Legends. It changes most of the Chou skill effect, and animation into a much cooler one. Chou STUN skin is going to be released on 27 April 2021, and Selena STUN Skins will be released on 15 Mei 2021.
Sadly we don’t have any information regarding the newest Selena skin gameplay and effect but we will definitely update it to you if we found any information aside from their released date! For Broddy, there hasn’t been any information at all!
Aside from that, Harith which is said to be getting a free skins by Moonton, so for those that loves or main 4 of those heroes, you should definitely check out the event when it is released in the Original Server.
See other roonby’s article for daily inspiration. Also, don’t forget to check out our facebook page to get the latest information!
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