Mobile Legends Finally Release Phoevus The Counter Pick for Blink Hero!

Mobile Legends recently released a new hero named Gloo, and after some time, the game finally updated their original server, and we now have Phoevus the Shadow of Dread as a personal hero. Players who are interested in this hero can purchase and play it right now for 32000 BP.
Phoevus is the next fighter, and he has three skills and one passive. His ability to deal damage when hitting a hero and receive shield is quite useful for sustaining himself; additionally, he has the ability to teleport himself while enemies use blink or charge skills. This means that heroes like Harith, Gussion, Karina, and even Karrie who can use any blink-related skill will be thwarted by this new hero
Of course, the difficulty is high when using this hero because players will need to know what the other player is using to pick this hero, not to mention that his playstyle is a little difficult to get used to the first time you use him. However, if used correctly, Phoevus will be rewarding.
So, if you’re interested in him, you can get Mobile Legends for free on Android and iOS right now!
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androidGameiOSMobile LegendsPhoevus