Inspired by Wild Rift, Mobile Legends Finally Released Customized Buttons.

Mobile Legends recently released new updates to their advanced server. Moonton is releasing a new and updated feature in their game, customized buttons, in addition to the newest Mobile Legends hero, Nathan.
Players who have difficulty using the buttons in the game can now easily change the skill size, position, and even the UI in the game.
Simply navigate to System Settings > Interface > Custom and change it to wherever you want. Not only that, but if you make a mistake, you can always reset it to whatever you want.
This feature seems to be inspired by Wild Rift that had implemented this feature as the game released, but what do you think about this update?
Mobile Legends is experiencing new changes as part of their NEXT Projects, there are so many changes that even I as their old players feel like this is a new and different game. Mobile Legends is available for free on Android and iOS!
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androidiOSMobile LegendsMoontonWild Rift