Floryn Mobile Legends Is Getting More OP with Each Updates!

Floryn, The new support mage in Mobile Legends is finally getting her updates on the recent patch updates. Moonton deems that her healing is too powerful as a global healer and decides to nerf that while increasing her worth by giving her a new debuff which is silent.
Yep, you read that right, she is getting another Crowd control effect and it is silent aside from her stun in Mobile Legends. This means that most of her skills now will have a huge CC effect which makes her superior to other Mobile Legends support heroes. Players will only need to use her ultimate when her passive stack is full, and the silent effect will be gained every time she uses her ultimate that heals, deals damage, and silents.
Skill Analysis and What will change
Of course, this comes with a nerfs, where past Floryn will heal for 5 times, and deal massive damage around her heals, but now she will only heal 2 times with added silent effect for 0.4 seconds. Which is huge depending on how you use her. This will make her ultimate be useful not only to save her allies but also to engage when your allies are engaging them. Tankers like Tigreal, and Khufra or even Esmeralda can pair well with her ultimate when rooting or stuning the enemies. Unlike Helcurt or Natalia, She is able to give another CC effect, and make the other enemies have a hard time.
About Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends is a free-to-play MOBA game on android and iOS. Players will be sent to the land of dawn in a match of 5v5 to battle against one another to destroy their base. Players will be able to select more than 100 new heroes to battle against one another with different skills and strategies. Those that have the skill will win the game!
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