Echoes of Mana, New Information on the Newest Mobile Android and iOS Mana Series Game!

Square Enix and the Wright Flyer Studio finally revealed a new trailer regarding Echoes of Mana which is the new mobile action RPG that are set to launch on 2022. You can watch the trailer below:
Echoes of Mana is said to be released on both iOS and Android as one of the newest mobile action RPGs. The ARPG will bring all of the fans favourite characters from the mana series with a new protagonist called Kilt or Kilte. The game will let you venture off to a different world searching for Swords of Mana secrets.
Some leaks online said that the gameplay will revolve around the usual RPG playstyle on mobile where you can form a party of three and switch characters during combat. You will also be able to control each character to use their skills with special moves along with really awesome animations. There is also boss battle that will make the game more interesting to play.
If you are interested in the game, stay tuned for the updates on Roonby, or you could immediately head to the official website to get the latest updates on the game!
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