By Jay / / Android Apple Games Mobile Legends

Update: Mobile Legends Newest Leaks

Leakers had been saying that the November Starlight Skins is going to be released for Vale in a skin called Soaring Devata.

Each month there are many contents that are being released by Moonton. Things like new heroes and skins are some of the things that Moonton will give to their players. However, one of the most anticipated things that most Mobile Legends players are looking forward to is the Starlight Battle Pass, which will give their players 1 new skin and gifts from BP to hero. Here are the information on November Starlight Mobile Legends.

There has recently been a new leak regarding the next Starlight Battle Pass skins, which will be released in November. Beatrix, one of the game’s most powerful marksmen, will be getting new skins in Mobile Legends.

November Starlight Mobile Legends

Beatrix will be getting new skins that will transform her from a punk to a soldier. Her skin changes her hair colour from pink to blonde, which also adds to her charm. The white t-shirt she usually wears will be replaced with something much more formal, with a soldier feel to it. The blue jacket, combined with navy suits, emphasizes her lines. Not only that, the most important part is that she’ll bring her husky plushies with her as she hunts down her enemies in the Land of Dawn.

Sadly we didn’t know the name of this skin yet, and if it is going to be released in November/December as part of Mobile Legends Starlight Battlepass skin. So stay tuned for more updates!

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About Mobile Legends:

Mobile Legends is a free-to-play MOBA game on android and iOS. Players will be sent to the land of dawn in a match of 5v5 to battle against one another to destroy their base. Players will be able to select more than 100 new heroes to battle against one another with different skills and strategies. Those that have the skill will win the game!

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About Jay
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