Tower of Fantasy Many People Protested Against The Long Cooldown of Relic Especially Jetpack!

The Tower of Fantasy has a variety of Relics that can be utilized in various ways. Some of the Gadgets in the game include crucial, must-use items, such as the Jetpack, which is utilized for exploring high places in the game. However, the high Cooldown Jetpack annoys players, as they must wait 100 seconds each time they wish to climb.
This is what causes some gamers to become irritated and publish postings on Reddit that receive numerous upvotes. A post made by u/OOLugiOo 3 days ago on Reddit reveals that Jetpack and Hoverboard shouldn’t have Cooldowns. This is especially so when the player accidentally uses the relic and ends up having to wait 100 seconds.
Hoverboard and Jetpack should not have a cooldown from TowerofFantasy
In general, and especially for open-world games, exploration tools do not have a cooldown, making it easier for players to reach world exploration locations. The Omnium Handcannon, which is utilized to solve riddles in ruins, has been problematic for gamers.
But what are your thoughts? Is this player’s criticism valid, and must the developer modify the game’s relic system?
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