By Jay / / Games News

As Sword of Convallaria continues to grow, players have noticed the rapid rollout of banners—currently totalling six in just the second week. Critics argue that having this many banners so soon can be confusing and off-putting for newcomers. However, proponents of the system view it as an opportunity to gain targeted access to characters, thus enhancing the overall gaming experience.

In typical gacha game fashion, there are two primary types of units: standard pool units, which are either available at launch or added later, and new release characters. Currently, the game features a mix of standard characters and newly introduced ones, like Gloria. The three “Destined Banners” allow players to pull specific characters from the standard pool, making it easier for those seeking particular heroes.

Players are Criticising and Comparing Sword of Convallaria with Other Gacha Games

Nungal Sword of Convallaria

Nungal Sword of Convallaria

Critics often compare Sword of Convallaria‘s approach to other popular gacha games that restrict player choices. In many competitors, players may be forced to grind through numerous pulls on standard banners before they can access desired characters, sometimes taking months to achieve their goals. By contrast, the Destined Banners in Sword of Convallaria offer a more efficient and player-friendly system.

The current banner structure allows for strategic choices, where players can bypass banners that do not feature characters they want. For example, if a player desires Dan or Taon but not Samantha, they can choose to wait for a more appealing banner in the future, rather than feeling pressured to pull on the current options. This freedom of choice is a significant improvement over many traditional gacha mechanics.

Events and Accessibility

While some players may have reservations about events tied to certain banners, such as Beryl’s or Cole’s, it’s important to note that participation is entirely optional. Those uninterested in spending money or participating in specific events can still enjoy the game without feeling compelled to engage with every aspect of the banner system. Additionally, players have the option to accumulate rewards without the need for purchases, making the game accessible to all.

Many believe that the increasing variety of banners can lead to a more engaging experience. If future banners continue to provide options for players, there’s a potential for a deeper connection with the game and its characters.

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