By Jay / / Games News

Project Mugetsu is a captivating Roblox game that draws inspiration from the popular anime Bleach, offering players an immersive experience in a world filled with combat, powers, and exploration. As with many Roblox games, Project Mugetsu regularly updates with new content, features, and of course, codes. These codes can provide players with valuable in-game rewards such as boosts, new abilities, or exclusive items, making them essential for progressing through the game more efficiently. In this article, we’ll cover the latest Project Mugetsu codes for December 2024, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition by redeeming them for your rewards before they expire. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, these codes will help you maximize your potential and enhance your gameplay experience.

Project Mugetsu Codes December 2024

  • VIDEOSATURDAY: 100 Spins and 5 Leg Orbs (New)
  • KyokaFix: 200 Rerolls and 1k Spins
  • JoinJujutsuOdyssey: Spins and Ability Rerolls
  • hotdog57: 45 Ability Rerolls and 600 Clan Rerolls
  • ZukoZaixoz: 100 Ability Rerolls and 15 Clan Rerolls
  • 500: 150 Spins and 15 Rerolls
  • AIZENUPDTHISMONTH: 150 Spins and 15 Rerolls
  • UPDATEWILLBESOON: 150 Spins, 15 RRS, and 15 Rerolls
  • EidMubarak: Spins and Rerolls
  • TetriReanimatesForThe10thTime: Spins and Orbs
  • SinfulWasHere: Spins and Orbs
  • CommonKiotW: Spins and Orbs
  • NewTeamZaiZuko: 400 Spins and 10 Rerolls
  • Luppi1kSubs: Spins and Orbs
  • Luppi2kTwitter: Spins and Orbs
  • 70MillionVisits1: Spins, RRA Pots, and Gold
  • 70MillionVisits2: Spins, Orbs, and Gold
  • SorryForBrokenThingsz: Spins
  • YhwachStuff: Spins and Reroll Potions
  • YhwachShutdown: Gold and Orbs (Must include the space at the end)
  • FahanRainbowAlly: Spins and Orbs
  • LastDelaySorry: Spins and Orbs
  • HappyBirthdayFahan: Spins, Orbs, Rerolls, and Potions
  • 6ix9ine: Spins, Orbs, Rerolls, and Potions
  • TY255KMembers: Spins and Orbs
  • 165KLikes: Spins and Orbs
  • 165KLikes2: Spins and Orbs
  • ThankYouJOSupport: Spins and Reroll Potions
  • SorryEventDelay2: Spins and Orbs
  • SorryForEventIssues: Spins and Orbs
  • ThanksForPanteraSupport: Spins and Orbs
  • BigCode100: Spins and Reroll Potions
  • FinalResetForSpecificItems: Spins and Reroll Potions
  • TradingBack2: Spins and Orbs
  • 250kMembers: Spins and Orbs
  • TradingDisabledSorry: Spins and Orbs
  • ShutdownWasNeededSrry: Spins, Reroll Potions, Orbs, and Gold
  • SorryTradersAgain2: Spins and Orbs
  • SorryShutdownCDRe: Spins, Reroll Potions, and Gold
  • 65MVisits1: Spins and Orbs
  • 65MVisits2: Spins and Orbs
  • ExtraCode1: Spins and Orbs
  • YhwachSwordFix: 100 Spins and 5 Rerolls
  • HaddaShutdownCountdownReset: 100 Spins and 5 Rerolls
  • SorryForShutdown5000: 100K Gold and 10 EXP Potions
  • BossFixesPt2: 400 Spins and 10 Rerolls
  • SorryShutdownNeededFixedProblems: 400 Spins and 15 Rerolls
  • Ididntshutdown: 400 Spins and 15 Rerolls
  • SorryTraders: Orbs, Gold, Ability Reroll Potions, and Spins
  • AightLastShutdownFrFr: Orbs, Gold, Ability Reroll Potions, and Spins
  • MultiBarrageFix: Spins and Orbs
  • GoldMakeup: 50k Gold
  • SorryForShutdownAgain8: Spins and Orbs
  • OkayOkayLastShutdownSorry1: Spins, Orbs, and Ability Reroll Potions

Let me know if you’d like more added or specific formatting changes!

Project Mugetsu, How to Redeem the Game Codes

Unlocking rewards through codes in Project Mugetsu is a breeze! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Launch Project Mugetsu and access the game.
  2. Remain on the main menu screen.
  3. Spot the Code box situated on the left side of the screen.
  4. Enter the designated code into the box.
  5. Delight in claiming your well-deserved rewards.

Step into the immersive world of Project Mugetsu, where you’ll embark on a journey of intense battles and exhilarating twists. As you traverse this captivating universe, the choice of becoming a formidable Hollow or a righteous Soul Reaper lies in your hands. Forge your path to become the most powerful player on the server, and let these incredible rewards guide you on your quest to victory. Unleash your prowess and seize every advantage with the help of these generous rewards to reach new heights in the game!

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About Jay
A Content writer for Contact me on [email protected], we can't reply to gmail for some reason.