7 Best Multitasking Apps for Android – One Swipe to Simplify Your Life!
Best Multitasking Apps for Android – One Swipe to Simplify Your Life!
Android is the best platform besides iOS. It is pretty great for multitasking. The more ram your devices has, the more things that you can do in it. So, here in roonby, we have listed a list of app that will help and assist your phone in multitasking. Check them out!
1. Omni Swipe
Omni Swipe allows convenient access to your favorite apps, contacts, settings, and incoming notifications using just one hand.
To use, just swipe from your screen’s bottom left or right corner on any screen to instantly open a customizable radial menu that keeps what’s important and most useful to you always within a thumb’s reach. Unlike other accessibility tools, Omni Swipe stays hidden and out of your way until you swipe it into view to use it.
2. Tiny Apps
Are you ready for true multitasking?
Tiny Apps are 18 floating apps, shown in small windows and staying on top of any other app. This makes multitasking a lot easier and boosts everyone’s productivity!
The following 12 apps are included: Notes, Audio Recorder, Paint, Web Browser, Music Player, App launcher, Stopwatch, Video Player, Widgets, Calculator, File Explorer, Contacts, Gallery, System info, Camera, Translator, Network-Monitor, Calendar.
3. Swipe Up Utility
Swipeup Utility allows you to customize your phone’s assist function.
It’ll give you super quick access to voice search, camera, calculator, and whatever else you might need.
Swipeup Utility builds on top of the assist functionality, so if your device doesn’t have an on screen navigation bar, look for a G or search icon somewhere in recent apps or a long press of a button, depending on the manufacturer skin.
4. Slide Control
Lock your phone, kill all running apps, switch to recent app or open latest notification with a swipe.
Easily launch apps or even shortcuts to contacts, tasker profiles, bookmarks or similar.
Create different SideBars with categories like apps, games, tools and launch them with a dedicated gesture!
With SideControl you get full control over your phone! From everywhere, at any time! It’s all your choice. Customize and speed up your phone handling. Easy multitasking! Simple, fast and efficient!
5. EAS : Easy App Switch
The fastest switcher, switch to last, recent and favorite apps easily.
With Easy App Switcher, you could easily switch app with the floating icon that will helps you to switch between two different app that you have just recently choose. You could access it by tapping the floating icon on your screen, tap on it and you will get the option to switch. If you didn’t like the floating icon, just hold it in and use the swipe button. You could also use the icon for back key, so that you could easily switch one app with another.
6. LAS : Last App Switcher
Think about the last channel button on your TV remote, which makes switching between two channels as easy as pie. Now think about a button on your mobile/tablet which switches you to the last used application with a single tap.
Imagine, you are browsing internet and a message arrives. Normally, you would minimize your browser, open the chatting application, and reply to the message. Then press the recent apps button, find your browser, tap on it, and then continue browsing, huh! Suddenly, another message arrives!
With LAS (Last App Switcher), you will be like “tap”, chatting, “tap”, browsing. Envision the figure of precious minutes you are going to save in a day.
7. Swapps!
Swapps! side launcher is always there, when you play, read or listen, you can always swipe and switch to another app.
With Swapps, you could easily swipe through another app when you play read or listen to your music. Simply slide your screen and choose which apps that you wanted to switch. It is accessible anytime you want. Regardless of which apps that you are running at that time.
EAS : Easy App SwitchLAS : Last App SwitcherMultitasking Apps for AndroidOmni SwipeSlide ControlSwapps!Swipe Up UtilityTiny Apps